Ghimbav to be compensated with 2.336 million Euros for the plots of land it owns in the airport area

Ovidiu VRÂNCEANU, Braşov (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 15 iunie 2011

Ghimbav to be compensated with 2.336 million Euros for the plots of land it owns in the airport area

Businesspeople who own land in the expropriated area are unhappy with the amounts that will be allocated for the compensation process

8.52 Euros/square meter of arable land

A large series of businesspeople had a lot to lose following the appraisal report of the plots of land that the airport of Ghimbav will be built on, according to information from inside the County Council of Braşov. Businesspeople bought land in the area at higher prices, but now they will be forced to content themselves with the amounts earned following the application of the law no. 255/2010 concerning the expropriation for reasons of public utility, needed for the achieving of objectives of national, county and local interest.

Last week, the county counselors approved the appraisal report concerning the evaluation report on the way the expropriation of the plots of land will proceed. According to the evaluation report, the compensations to be paid out are as follows: 8.52 Euros / square meters, 5.62 per square meter of hayfield, and 3.75 per square meters of pasture.

Those who lost money include the owner of a construction company which owns a ballast pit in the airport area. He appraised his plot of land and investments at more than 1.2 million Euros, but he will only receive 860,000 Euros following the expropriation of the plot of land in question.

The County Council borrowed 6.311 million Euros from a bank to expropriate the plots of land in the area of the Braşov-Ghimbav international airport, an objective which is currently in the negotiation stage with the only company that submitted a tender - the UTI group of companies.

The airport will span a surface of almost 209 hectares, almost 99 hectares being the property of the County Council of Braşov and thus will not be part of the expropriation process. The Local Council of Ghimbav also owns 62.4 hectares, and the authorities have decided to compensate the administration of Ghimbav for that plot of land, and should it choose to do so, CL Ghimbav will have the option to invest in the project company which will be created by the winner of the call for tenders, the County Council of Braşov and other public administrations that might become shareholders, such as the County Councils of Harghita and Covasna. Thus, the town of Ghimbav will receive 9.626 million lei for the plots of land it owns (2.336 million Euros).

IAR Ghimbav will also be compensated for the plot of land of 15.1 hectares which it had offered with the right of superficies to the County Council, to be included in the airport project. " We had acquired that plot of land through superficies, but we thought it would be better to expropriate them, in order to stop paying an annual rent", said Aristotel Căncescu, the president of the County Council of Braşov. The company of Braşov will receive the amount of 2.340 million lei, (approximately 570,000 Euros).

Individuals that own land in the area will also be compensated. 10.486 million lei (2.545 million Euros) have been allocated for the compensating the owners of the 32.25 hectares belonging to private owners.

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