Iod radioactiv descoperit în Masivul Ceahlău

Miscellanea / 13 aprilie 2011

Iod radioactiv a fost descoperit în zăpada de pe Ceahlău. Anunţul specialiştilor vine după ce ieri au fost anunţate urme ale radiaţiilor de la Fukushima în apa de ploaie şi în laptele din zona Slănic Prahova, scrie

Valorile sunt mici şi nu pun în pericol sănătatea. Cercetătorii au descoperit urme de iod radioactiv în depunerile de pe Vârful Toaca din Masivul Ceahlău. Practic masurătorile au fost făcute după filtrele de la staţia de supraveghere a radioactivităţii mediului de pe Vârful Toaca la peste 1850 metri altitudine.

Opinia Cititorului ( 1 )

  1. ??????•AI??? ??????•????? ?????·

    ????? ??«????.»????? ?????? 

    AI artificial intelligence robot process • Family gene copy food • Source of corruption process 

    "Corruption process« Estate Frame. » 

    New Territories West Tubao Landing Guests" 

    «•????•? ??????. 

    ????? ???????????? ?????. 

    ?????? ???????????? ?. 

    Greedy and crude "global" psychology 

    State-of-the-art design development mentality of defense  

    The original Yubing was reviewed in 160simple proces. 

    1. The village / village poor light egg traces, 

    2. The process of the landlord going to land to become a young master, 

    3. Sex, er, sea, land, air, new car, necessary opportunity, 

    4. Non-resident legal basis, forced relocation of the remaining environment due to tight fire, 

    5. Changes in interior design, 

    6. Quality of anti-psychological tips, 

    7. Internal promotion and deduction, 

    8. Automatic speech translation (detecting education level) 

    9. Cockpit-type car class 

    10. Duplicated Mind and Body Photo 

    11. Crack the psychological eye 

    12. Like the world listing 

    13. Shabby ground odor (glossy version) 

    14. Lustful Lucky Vehicles 

    15. Congee Pinzian Dingxin Pill 

    16. Travelling for ideas 

    17. Mysterious upgrade 

    18. Vomiting bag preparation 

    19. Extremely Excited in Meat Acid 

    20. Executive style 

    21. Reduced ascension 

    22. Winning and losing prize guarantee 

    23. Open a common credit 

    24. Sell advertising rights first 

    25. Always able to afford 

    26. One of the awesome owners 

    27. Courting the Mainland 

    28. The nature of task-based work 

    29. Bing release wisdom turn 

    30. Precious interpretation of land ingredients 

    31. Labor-free soda machine concept 

    32. Current transaction foundation under security 

    33. The real problem has not created the word 

    34. Open more shares 

    35. Perfect Family Economic Leaving Model 

    36. Aversive mentality 

    37. High sensitivity for business conversion 

    38. Business Experience in Managing Steamed Melons 

    39. Adhere to the Separation of Corruption 

    40. Not self-medicating 

    41. Mind Recoil 

    42. Focus secondary opening 

    43. ch arming phantom-like mouth 

    44. Give back to the old space 

    45. New positioning of hometown 

    46. ??Aristocratic Anti-Poverty Filter 

    47. Local Patriotism Culture 

    48. Tall Student Architecture 

    49. Anti-waste infrastructure awareness 

    50. Automatic concept gene replication process 

    51. Energy Supply and Food Balance 

    52. Unexpected Speed ??Productivity 

    53. Possess sanitation coordination ability 

    54. Privatization of Raw Materials 

    55. Lifting Trouble Maturity 

    56. Beyond the Organic Packaging Market 

    57. Breakout taste specials homely 

    58. Private Food Security Inspection Guarantee 

    59. Treasure of overseas raw materials extended to 

    60. Respect for Nature and Change in Popular Culture 

    61. Free trial of Universal Arts Pass 

    62. Achieve faith in 200 years 

    63. Environmental Sanitation Please Ask For Direction 

    64. Nothing in the past 

    65. Car Cannons are on a par with Mixed Doubles 

    66. Bank Capital Operationalism 

    67. Looking back at the tourism mechanism 

    68. Lens anchor heart concentration 

    69. Lions and Rabbits Checking Tricks 

    70. Make it private 

    71. Brothers, and Preferential Class Convoys 

    72. Sensitivity of pastimes profit statement 

    73. Choose one and compare 

    74. Golden Boy Jade Girl Illusion Packaging 

    75. Brain Correspondence Sales Service 

    76. Sea, Land and Air Outbound Relations 

    77. World Aberdeen Posture and Attitude Style 

    78. The Iron Legend 

    79. Trade-offs between taste buds gene taste buds 

    80. The Life of God's Skills 

    81. Rural light trails are poor, 

    82. Landlord wants 

    83. Opportunity Gender Necessity 

    84. Forced to relocate the remaining environment 

    85. Changing Interior Design 

    86. Skill Quality Anti-Psychology 

    87. Deduction for internal promotion 

    88. Automatic Intelligent Speech Accuracy 

    89. Cockpit Car Class 

    90. Photo Repeat Mind and Body 

    91. Psychological Eye Crack 

    92. World List like this 

    93. Smell and shabby ground 

    94. Lucky Car Lecherous 

    95. Dingxin Pill Congee 

    96. Idea Seeking 

    97. Upgrade Mystery 

    98. Prepare the vomit bag 

    99. Extremely Excited in Meat Acid 

    100. Style Administration 

    101. Lift down 

    102. Margin Award 

    103. Credit Common 

    104. Advertising rights 

    105. Ability to afford 

    106. The boss is great 

    107. Proposal to the Mainland 

    108. Nature Based on Task 

    109. Release of Wisdom 

    110. Precious Land Composition 

    111. Concept soda machine 

    112. When the transaction is guaranteed 

    113. One Word Creation 

    114. Stock Open 

    115. Leaving the Model Economy 

    116. Mentality aversion 

    117. Sensitivity of Business Change 

    118. Business Management Steamed Melon 

    119. Separately insist on corruption 

    120. Medication is not self 

    121. Recoil Mind 

    122. Open Focus Second 

    123. Phantom ch arming 

    124. Space is returned 

    125. New Position Hometown 

    126. Filter Family Against Poverty 

    127. Patriotic Localism 

    128. Student Building Tall 

    129. Conscious Anti-Spam Foundation 

    130. Automatic Copy Concept 

    131. Balance energy supply 

    132. Productivity Unexpected 

    133. Coordinating Competitive Health 

    134. Private raw materials 

    135. Maturity Relief 

    136. Packaging Market Super Organic 

    137. Breakthrough Price Home Tasting 

    138. Security Food Inspection 

    139. Collecting and expanding raw materials 

    140. Culture Change Respects Nature 

    141. Universal Art 

    142. 200 Years of Faith 

    143. Asking about environmental sanitation 

    144. no past 

    145. Mixed Double Cannons 

    146. Operational Capital 

    147. Mechanism Review Tourism 

    148. Cardiac body anchoring 

    149. Tips Lion and Rabbit 

    150. Private 

    151. Special Class Frigate 

    152. Sensitive recreational profits 

    153. Make comparison sel ections 

    154. Illusion Packaging Virgin 

    155. Service Brain Correspondence 

    156. Outbound Relations 

    157. Attitude Degree 

    158. Legendary Steel 

    159. Weighing taste bud genes

    160. Life Skills 

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