"Electroputere" Craiova to layoff 350 people starting October 1st

Ovidiu VRÂNCEANU, Braşov (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 20 august 2010

"Electroputere" Craiova will layoff 350 employees starting October 1st, who will receive severance pay. The reason for the restructuring is the lack of contracts and cash, as well the reorganization of the company"s business and the discrepancies between the number of employees and the company"s activity.

The layoffs are part of the restructuring program of the company assumed by its majority shareholder, Al-Arrab Contracting Company Limited. At the end of June, the company had 1,971 employees.

The company"s turnover dropped 23% in the first semester, to 104.4 million lei, whereas its losses increased 59% to 26.9 million lei.

The plant has four manufacturing divisions, namely electrical devices, rotating electric machinery, power transformers and urban and railway vehicles, a general services division, as well as the Tools, Devices, Tester, Cast and Forged Parts, Repairs and Modernization of Tools and Technological Installations.

"Electroputere" is held by Saudi company Al-Arrab Contracting Company Limited, which controls 86.28% of the stock.

Reader's Opinion ( 1 )

  1. Te cuprinde o jale iremediabila cand vezi ce au reusit sa faca managerii si apoi patronii in anii de dupa revolutie. ceea ce afost odata "citadela electrotehnicii romanesti" este acum un morman de fiare vechi, hale abandonate si o mana de oameni care lupta pentru ziua de maine. Fabricile au devenit ateliere, activitatea s-a restrans dramatic atat ca suprafata cat si ca volum de afaceri. Directoriu si directorasi platiti regeste comparativ cu salariile mizere ale lucratorilor. Stiu, e criza. Asta imi veti spune. Dar e siu multa nesabuinta, prostie si dezinteres. Sau cu totul alt interes si nu unul pentru a duce mai departe acest nume. Dimpotriva! Adio, Electroputere! Dumnezeu sa dea dea celor de te-au inmormantat aceeasi soarta. Amin!

