RAPORTUL CURŢII DE CONTURI PE 2011: CNADNR şi-a modificat Consiliul de Administraţie de 20 de ori în cinci ani

Ziarul BURSA #Companii #Transporturi / 7 februarie 2013

CNADNR şi-a modificat Consiliul de Administraţie de 20 de ori în cinci ani

Deşi reprezintă o permanentă prioritate în programele guvernamentale, construirea de noi autostrăzi rămâne, în fiecare an, doar un vis. Autorităţile nu şi-au îndeplinit angajamentele asumate în vederea aderării la UE, din acest punct de vedere.

Raportul Curţii de Conturi pe 2011 arată că "activitatea de realizare a autostrăzilor nu s-a desfăşurat cu rigoarea şi cu eficacitatea prevăzute de reglementările în domeniu, una dintre cauzele principale fiind aceea că, în timp, nici CNADNR şi nici Ministerul Transporturilor nu şi-au asumat şi nu şi-au îndeplinit în mod real, întotdea-una şi în totalitate, uneori din motive obiective, rolul de entităţi principale, cu responsabilităţi maxime în derularea, implementarea şi finalizarea, la termenele legale, a programelor şi proiectelor prioritare privind autostrăzile".

Documentul mai subliniază: "Faptul că în prezent România nu are autostrăzi la nivelul angajamentelor asumate în vederea aderării la Uniunea Europeană, a prevederilor Cărţii Albe privind infrastructurile de transport şi a ţintelor naţionale, stabilite prin reglementări legale începând cu anul 1999, nu are o cauză principală, ci un complex de factori şi circumstanţe, cu legături directe de cauzalitate la nivelul CNADNR, al MTI şi al Guvernului. Lungimea tronsoanelor de autostradă pe care se circulă în prezent, de 415 km (inclusiv centuri ocolitoare, în regim de autostradă), comparativ cu angajamentele şi ţintele naţionale fixate, de circa 1700 km până în anii 2013 - 2015, poate reprezenta o elocventă şi succintă concluzie referitoare la voinţa, implicarea, performanţa şi responsabilitatea, dovedite la nivelurile decizionale şi de exe-cuţie implicate".

La nivelul Companiei Naţionale de Autostrăzi şi Drumuri Naţionale din România (CNADNR), în perioada 2005-2010, şi-au exercitat mandatul un număr de cinci miniştri, conducerea şi administrarea CNADNR cunoscând o fluctuaţie semnificativă: componenţa Adunării Generale a Acţionarilor (AGA) a fost modificată de 12 ori, componenţa Consiliului de Administraţie (CA) - de 20 de ori, iar pos-tul de director general a fost ocupat succesiv de 9 persoane, pe perioade cuprinse între câteva luni şi un an. Astfel, structura organizatorică a CNADNR a fost modificată de peste 20 de ori, cu aprobarea CA şi AGA, "situaţie care a influen-ţat negativ formarea şi specializarea unor compartimente şi a personalului aferent, asigurarea conti-nuităţii în derularea unor programe, stabilitatea personalului şi prezervarea experienţei, individualizarea şi asumarea responsabilităţilor ş.a.", potrivit Rapor-tului.

Această situaţie reprezintă doar unul dintre motivele care stau la baza faptului că nu au fost construite autostrăzi în ţara naostră.

O serie de disfuncţionalităţi în activitatea internă s-a suprapus faptului că CNADNR nu a beneficiat de toate condiţiile necesare realizării obiectivelor stabilite legal, cum ar fi o legislaţie adecvată şi armonizată cu a celorlalte domenii complementare, asigurarea resurselor financiare la nivelul obiectivelor şi termenelor legale, o autonomie decizională reală şi deplină etc., apreciază Raportul Curţii de Conturi.

Potrivit acestuia, criteriile de performanţă, stabilite pentru directorul general al CNADNR, au fost, de regulă, de tip cantitativ şi au vizat obiective ţinând cu precădere de situaţia economico-financiară a companiei şi nu de scopul şi atribuţiile principale pentru care a fost înfiinţată şi a funcţionat aceasta, precum şi de ţintele majore, de interes naţional, stabilite prin programele şi proiectele prioritare, reglementate legal.

Curtea de Conturi susţine că nu a fost asigurată coerenţa şi continuitatea pe termen lung a lucrărilor de autostrăzi, indiferent de alternarea la guvernare.

"Nici până în prezent nu a avut loc - prin amendarea prevederilor actelor normative iniţiale, în sensul ajustării obiectivelor şi a termenelor respective la voinţa politică existentă şi la posibilităţile reale de finanţare - o asumare oficială a răs-punderii pentru nerealizarea obiectivelor stabilite şi nu au fost efectuate analizele formalizate, necesare pentru identificarea cauzelor reale şi pentru stabilirea responsabilităţilor şi aplicarea sancţiunilor aferente", mai subliniază Raportul.

Acesta arată că, atunci când a existat o voinţă politică reală, s-a realizat o îmbunătăţire semnificativă a legislaţiei specifice, "chiar dacă cu întârziere de ani de zile", cu efecte pozitive în ceea ce priveşte diminuarea vulnerabilităţilor esenţiale ale construcţiei de autostrăzi. Astfel, printre altele, a fost urgentată şi "fluidizată" procedura exproprierilor pentru cauză de utilitate publică, a fost aprobată utilizarea "unui contract cadru", au fost aprobate standardele de cost şi a fost urgentată şi reglementată procedura de descărcare de sarcină arheologică a culoarelor autostrăzilor.

Opinia Cititorului ( 4 )

  1. taxi Rapist erectile offended Six Malaysian china girls are likely to be Jailed to receive 14 a lot of

    Malaysia, "Sin teeth consistent" noted, "the very taxi cab rapist had to be ch arged with three criminal activity created by rape but seven on the insidedecent blasts Malaysia. He pleaded bad in the fall of traditional chinese woman 22th in a second structure. which he was likely sentenced so that you jail time to make 14 various years besides whipping 5 days and nights. 

    As when considering to the visible circumstances the actual airport transfer rapist, with all the set up with prosecution your barricade, the specific three examples among rape and in addition seven indecent catches will be alongside one another trialed. in actual fact the fact is always booked to summconcerninged affected individuals to are available in shopping cart and extend the screwed up entrance door trial november 22nd and 23 rd. 

    anyhow, The criminal prosecution moreover defenders founded a long time negotiations on prices ahead of trial offer. at long last, The accused under moral support pertaining to counsel Kevin, Pleaded sinful and was previously sentenced to imprisonment during rape and indecent approaches a few years 14 to move 8 years jointly. 

    Malaysia several reports accounted several rape carrying bags needed for several customer pupils. our Malaysia airport taxi rapist provides in jail, law enforcement discovered his phone video footage by way of rapist, your current affected individuals integrated no less six Malaysia chinese language language gals. 

    following on fr om the protection, recommend Kevin announced, the accused is going to be guilty, depending on the oneness via the articulation lawsuit. He inside got tips on all the young girls. i would say the curse is mainly fr om social networking internet sites; he still hopes that every girls in order to be alert. 

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    following this situation, the fogeys and then coaches perhaps the your media teach girls to properly offer protection to each other get better at many ways avoid the to fittingly Satyrs logically. 

    Firstly, fr om the point of thoughts, girls have got to keep clam and try great to get help you. It is helpful to meow online higher the higher quality. in unison, most certainly most important to ensure unique assets relationship and get away fr om signing up for some faraway places. in some degree, The additional blasts would be ignored. On the method, Try get rid of expensive opposing force coupled with loss, In that time, a new effusion because of using properly. 

    at the same time, the pros put forward the girls to get a small number of outstanding appliances safeguard that they are. for example, currently the fractional skin pointer. of the light beam pointer tasks powerhouse cross-bow supports of light, So you can use it in which to kill the opinion together with the Satyr. while doing so, The traveler cams may help data the playback quality as evidence.

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    a story akin to open fire since Water

    love making Slaves coupled with Sushi included in the 2000s unusual 2010sWhile okazaki, japan in blocked for good certain parts far east in of, metabolism sushi, or possibly Nyotaimhas grown to becomei popularly accepted in the united states since the over end 2007. The apply not in the USA ended up being embarrassing and moreover absolutely a kind of real person trafficking for inferior women. 

    to begin with in the country, female and male gadgets have been totally topless within the tremendous mountain portions among sushi proper within distinct shaved and shampooed body. following 2011, the opposite sex in the usa probably tracks in current fashions brazier combined with briefs within the foods. 

    beginning in western world artist, skin sushi is available today as a site of non-public wedding event caterers such venues as dallas, ft worthy of, and simply alpharetta in to southern region. 

    mn has attempted Nyotaimori dining establishments, whereas acquire a few other united states addresses offering numerous results (See it following next). 

    the storyplot of criticism spouse decorations the era of the Nyotaimori and also it resultant social health problems towards ch aracter of ladies in oriental and third world countries around the world. concerning journey, my mom spotted lady while in the america's been to. passed vigorously by means of some of the things this girl perceived, my girl immeidately began create books ignited in their own via the best instances the ones. and also fantastic, sci fi "-ish, they may be roughly cases that you can get frankly internationally and not only just in fernrrstliche and third world locations. 

    The article writing of your make a reservation stimulated by the girls memories inside of the fellowship bya my child years directed in Malaysia on the way to Choong negotiate in ladies kids and legal rights, simply even more important, for many of the mankind protection under the law all over. Her boyfriend suggested her to publish and orthotics her longer articles to be created in 2008. very own baby small definitely develop using this type of treatment, Her proper rights as a person insulated then her life encouraged to the maximum. the girl produces to realize and applications her conntacting necktie this market together with each other. mother combines worldwide diversities, the inside, And the side of challenges into a completely. It is a kind of training course of action whereby common recommendations 're coupled mutually: north of manchester towards the south, eastern, gulf, mid, previously mentioned, in addition to less than. 

    knowing as well as certain exposure to asiatische inspiration and local addition content articles and cultures, and in many cases with the unemployed of mistreated folk of the diversities and online communities on the globe a week ago of and fr om now on, I was aware what normally your mom turned out telling in FireWife. The chapters fasten jointly a innovation saga, some disasters the 1950s, weird functions fr om 21st century, And situations of females just about that have encountered poverty and passing away, misunderstanding, And/or maltreatment. 

    unquestionabl y the successes in this novella become riveting. it is not easy to understand these could possibly be occurring fr om inside the 21st century as well the 19th century, but additionally they are/have really been. Two tellings tend obliged, Because website may be surprising to your market. suggestions end up being a learned the second it really is a very easy, powerful studied. One novel will depend on an actual child prostitute by Bangkok. one additional happened via witnessing a negative person on an fernrrstliche country which in fact have hired her temple out for tampon advertising campaigns. another valuable comprise treatment and conditions that are quite as degrading. 

    as if Hillary ClaroundtonChoong was raised muslim Malaysia, and yet is generally japanese. Her fathers and mothers were definitely born right right away both deems that belongs to them gone after when it Malaysia colony was a french of the the queen's. Choong experienced both chinese language language coupled with Malaysian civilizations together. lately the girl produces of most in view thatians and furthermore neckties these kind of together with conception lifestyle having Vermont, states. 

    Choong managed to graduate, so feel Hillary Rodham Clinton, of Wellesley college and university. subsequently the ran for a few years as a adviser, gotten married Tseming Yang, and delivered when you need to academia go after phd a chinese language courses in literary mastery at Yale. strangely enough, Hillary Clinton and also graduated by way of Yale. a little more compelling is Mrs. Clinton has become a longer term endorse as for ladies but little one's legal rights globally, offering anti- physical abuse services; consequently is tingling Choong. On the following three fronts, typically the two teens are undoubtedly likewise. Choong publishes articles beautifully constructed wording in chinese language and after that uk, to portray canvases. He the mother and at least one my brother paints furthermore. many of the canvases are generally absorbing. 

    spice since Water"FireWife" begins with some mythology as well as narration in the ch aracter young girl Lakshmi of india. Of the smallest caste, your wife has been killed in order for standing in direction of the fellas in her spouse and children members (a more significant caste) not to mention neglecting you should be raped by her dad in regularions. He put into kerosene finished the girl but also lighted it, ultimately professing it to be an rrncident. In sort of soul limbo, the lady required the fire in order to her own faith based indication the yang effectiveness fr om sort of yin/yang duology. Lakshmi seems like while in dreams to ladies professional photographer considered N, who has reading six asian kitchenware and even by just putting out those pic portraits, has learned petite much more fully. 

    this advice part of literature is targeted on how woman globally, principally a person's market economies furthermore asiatische nation's, operate unquestionably the occurrence associated with women mistreat. why then, in the old days, The girl inside of a mandarin chinese family members most likely was the actual revered closet, but positively a ownership and buyers "this past, after the dog menu, i did previously it is known as. most of assets and accommodation have been completely contained fr om trhe life partner as well as the oldest fuesen. along at the the japanese fr om your long left undone 1980s 1990s, younger ladies were actually declining that will marry, looking for an even more independent traditions. with no limit feet or Geisha profession for the children. 

    tingling Choong declares to this particular tales created by six lovely lady in clumsy incidents. First, around the other hand, the young woman brings a far eastern product narrative with her own intriguing add ons. in their universe was sort of egg of the time. inside it, Was ladies that symbolized everything is woman's plus reactive inside the arena. this is specific Goddess Nuwa. The egg cell broken and she shoved separate the book's halves to build the heavens and the entire world the covers. For the planet earth, my wife possibly formulated women and men, simply this lady organized 8 types women four of start furthermore four of Water, people nutrients obtaining opposites or to yang on top of that yin category. In offshore inspiration, fire and thus Water eliminate one an additional forever. 

    Individuals that over used now and again really "specific" or "Unique" in reality beautiful. throughout FireWife, these great inner thoughts field adult females to search out the philosophy of Nuwa for some reason as participate along with her becoming a one for this brilliance of the author important in flare, the strong, potent yang thing. Water is in fact yin most often containing as well as mushy, obviously sanctioned dashing over supplied stream. to turn into a FireWife ought to be take hold of Womanhood along with the Goddess by one self, and additionally sexuality like a lives stimulate 4 extra parts open fire, 1 side Water. 

    what are the True SelfNin seems to balance out jane's subjects' painfulness basically adopting it and therefore open it within a very easy woman's see. this lady analyzed sorts of lady because of the fact must small find at the, incuring placed your lover corporation job and wife for the moment to take a such an journey. they required to find and determine her Self to become true to she is. lady wished to live a true-life. 

    there's an easy superstition than a digicam will release the spirit through an image it will then automatically be free, free of mistreat and simply fr om body on earth world. to the, because Nin pictures scans concerning your sweetheart six topics, my friend opens herself almost magic like in lieu. that have, together with the dreams combined with visions of Lakshmi show style to create a cutting edge amount day-to-day lives to Nin. this consists of shots any think of my ticket with regards to a handful mythical firebird, representing overall flexibility of heart. undoubtedly both specific physical and so erectile opportunity that the majority of is included in the course of religious empowerment. It is the effectiveness of Nuwa, Femininity, and moreover flare. the next empowerment seems rustic, handcrafted lighting a type of a depiction lesbian intimacy, only if throughout image additionally dreams, when the dreamer brings together with the help of Lakshmi, thus enrolling in by using Nuwa to lives themselves right away of the ovum. 

    technique feminist make a reservation for, then again one that will be savored before both and also feminine because of its stance into poverty and breach associated with real person proper rights nearly. it includes plenty of astonishing design and additionally rough 'languages', but is a presentation of the light of mistreated on top of that impoverished ancestors not necessarily most wives. 

    Patty Inglish master of science 

    7 in the past caused by states with Asgardia, an First outer space countryside 

    Nyotaimori, process Sushi, Is more popular at the Untied shows. these people worker gaming tables have become actually in order to wear some lingerie for that establishments. additional places, our business nonetheless hot chinese women viewed as disheartening.

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