La Nina: Ocean waters cool

English Section / 27 august 2024

La Nina: Ocean waters cool

Versiunea în limba română

Specialists in ocean activity have noticed a thermal anomaly in the surface waters of the Atlantic Ocean, which are unusually cold for this time of the year, a phenomenon that began to manifest itself as early as May. This accelerated cooling, documented by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is in contrast to expectations caused by global warming and the influence of the El Niño phenomenon, which should have led to increased temperatures in the Atlantic. The current Atlantic surface water temperature is 0.5 - 1 degree Celsius below the normal average for this time of year. This situation could herald the formation of a phenomenon called "Atlantic Nina", the equivalent of the cold phase of the natural climate pattern known as the "Atlantic Oscillation". This oscillation involves cyclical changes in water temperature in the Atlantic, alternating between warmer and cooler phases every few years. The observed cooling in the equatorial Atlantic is similar to the process that occurs in the Pacific Ocean during La Niña, when surface water temperatures drop below the normal average. Typically, these phenomena significantly influence the global climate, affecting precipitation patterns and storm intensity. In the Atlantic, significant cooling may lead to reduced precipitation in the Sahel region of Africa and increased precipitation in the Gulf of Guinea area, while also affecting the rainy season in northeastern South America. Another important aspect is the impact of this cooling on the frequency and intensity of Atlantic hurricanes. NOAA is closely monitoring this anomaly because the "Atlantic Nina" phenomenon could reduce the number and intensity of hurricanes this year, providing a break from the intense storm cycles that have plagued the region in previous years. This rapid and unusual cooling of the Atlantic surface waters, which has not been seen before in the history of meteorological measurements, underscores the complexity and unpredictability of global climate change.

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