12 Mio EUR Factory To Be Built In Sfantu Gheorghe

Ovidiu Vranceanu (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 19 august 2009

Corus, the second largest steelmaker in Europe, has announced plans to join forces with a Romanian company to build a 12 million EUR factory in Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania. Herman Rosner, Chairman of the Covasna County Chamber of Commerce and Industry, announced that Corus Building SRL had been registered with the Covasna County Trade Register and would soon start building a factory in Sfantu Gheorghe that would employ 75 persons.

Rosner said the planned investment was very good news, considering that many companies were closing or downsizing their business because of the crisis. The new factory will produce metallic structures and sandwich panels for industrial production halls. The project has already obtained the environmental license and is created by W&K, a member of the Covasna County Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The new company is a 50/50 joint venture between Corus - England and a Romanian company having a significant position on the Romanian market for installations of sandwich panels in industrial sites. Construction works are scheduled for completion in end-2010, whereas production may begin in 2011, considering the general conditions on the European market. Corus is the second largest steelmaker in Europe, with revenues of 12 billion GBP and an output of over 20 million tonnes in 2008.

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