13 Competitors To Create Romania"s Country Brand

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 7 mai 2009

13 Competitors To Create Romania"s Country Brand

Cosmina Capalău

The competition intended to lead to the creation of Romania"s country brand comprises 13 companies or consortia of companies from Britain, the U.S., Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Germany, Portugal and Romania.

The evaluation committee appointed by the Ministry of Tourism to organize a limited tender and award the public procurement contract for the creation of Romania"s country brand announced in a press release yesterday the opening of the sealed bids containing selection and qualification documents in the presence of the bidders.

The committee reviewed the qualification documents requested through the procurement data sheet submitted by 13 companies or consortia. The committee is to verify the documents in detail and make the short list for the second phase of the tender. In this phase, bidders will also submit their technical offers consisting of projects for the creation of Romania"s country brand.

The project to create the country brand has received 2 million EUR worth of European funding through the Regional Operational Programme, Priority Axis 5 - Sustainable Development and Promotion of Tourism, Key Area of Intervention 5.3. - Promoting the Tourism Potential and Setting-up the Needed Infrastructure in Order to Increase Romania"s Attractiveness as Tourism Destination, Operation "Creating a Positive Image for Romania by Developing and Promoting the National Tourism Brand."

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