16 Mio EUR To Modernize Tudor Vladimirescu Campus

Doru Mocanu,IaŞi (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 14 august 2009

Twelve student dormitories in the Tudor Vladimirescu Campus in Iasi will be completely renovated within a 15.8 million EUR project (VAT included) co-financed by the EU, the Ministry of Development and the Gh. Asachi Technical University in Iasi. The European Regional Development Fund has allocated 11.3 million EUR whereas the Romanian State will give 1.7 million EUR and the University 266,000 EUR. "Perhaps the most important part is that we will install gas-powered heating units that will co-generate energy," said Professor Dr. Eng. Ion Giurma, President of the Gh. Asachi Technical University in Iasi. He added that tenders were already in progress to award the works. The project is the largest university campus renovation project in Romania. The first funds will come from the Government, which will provide a 30% down payment for starting the project. Full delivery is scheduled for 2­0­1­1­.

