17 million Euros for the modernization of the "Tudor Vladimirescu" Campus in Iaşi

Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 19 martie 2009

17 million Euros for the modernization of the "Tudor Vladimirescu" Campus in Iaşi

The managers of the Technical University "Gh. Asachi" in Iaşi have drafted a project for the complete overhaul of the "Tudor Vladimirescu" student campus, one of the largest campuses in Romania. "The initial project will cost an estimated 17 million Euros and is already completed. We are going to submit the documentation to the North-East Regional Development Agency, in a few days", Engineering Ph. D and University Professor Ion Giurmă, the Chancellor of the University, said. If we manage to secure the necessary funding, in about two years, when the project is completed, the Campus will be completely autonomous from the city"s energy grid. Furthermore, the installed energy system may cover part of Iaşi"s power needs. Mircea Guşă, the dean in charge of education matters of the university, says: "The campus will no longer use the services of the electro thermal power plant. We have run the numbers and come to the conclusion that the energy would be cheaper if we produced it ourselves. The energy surplus will be sold in the public energy grid". Furthermore, car access inside the campus will be restricted with electronic cards, and two other sports fields as well as a science park will be created.

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