20 award winners at the Gala of the BURSA Construcţiilor magazine

English Section / 2 iulie 2018

20 award winners at the Gala of the BURSA Construcţiilor magazine

The Bursa Construcţiilor magazine, published by the BURSA press group, has taken the first step in the third decade of existence and has awarded, in this year's Gala, no fewer than 20 awards of excellence, to some of the most important associations in the sector, as well as to companies that have stood out through their activity.

The 2018 "Bursa Construcţiilor" Gala, which was held on June 28th, at the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, was attended by over 100 architects, builders, developers, furniture makers, designers, real estate consultants, lawyers, as well as businesspeople from related sectors.

In the opening of the Gala, Ovidiu Iliescu, the general manager of CSC, one of the main partners of the event, said: "It is always a pleasure to collaborate with Bursa Construcţiilor, a high-class publication, which cares for constructors, and which is interested in promoting their interests, and last but not least was close to the Social House of Constructors not only for the good, but also for the bad. I find this award as a reward of the 20-year long activity of the Social House. The first 20 years are always hard, the following 20 I hope will be easier".

The Social House of Constructors is celebrating 20 years of existence in 2018. During this time, the CSC has granted social compensations to approximately 500,000 employees in the field. The Bursa Construcţiilor magazine has awarded the CSC for its longevity, as well as its activity.

Adriana Iftime, the general manager of the Federation of Professional Association of the Construction Companies (FPSC), stated the following, upon receiving the award granted to the FPSC: "This degree is an honor for us. Please continue to stay with us, because a magazine with such a high degree of professionalism needs to report what is happening in our industry, especially in those times when the construction sector is in pain and nobody is willing to get involved in the resolution of these problems. We are aware that we need to take our fate into our own hands and that we are the only ones who can solve our problems, of course, with your help".

Another Association awarded at the Bursa Construcţiilor 2018 Gala is that of the Makers of Construction Materials of Romania. Its president, Claudiu Georgescu, said: "Life has made it so that I was one of the few in this room who was by the side of BURSA since the first number. I know how Bursa Construcţiilor began and that it has produced highly professional journalists. It is one of the publications that has endured on this market and I wish it success and to endure from now on, for as long as possible. (...) Concerning the sector, I am horrified when I think of how much there is still left to build in this country, so that we can reach some minimum standards of civilization, starting with the sewer works and ending with the residences".

Our magazine did not only award professional associations, but also unions. Gheorghe Bălăceanu, the president of FGS Familia - the major union in the construction sector - said: "As for the human resources, in the following years there won't be many good things coming. That is why we have begun preparing in order to help our social partners, the professional associations in the construction sector, with whom we have built the Social House of Constructors and the Craft House of Constructors. They are open and we can do very good things together. The human resource will be a problem. That is why, tonight, we have with us our colleagues from Italy, from the biggest Italian federation, with whom we have signed a collaboration protocol, which even concerns the attempt that, together, we will bring into the country some of the workers who left for Italy. We have a goal - that every year we will bring back at least 10% of the workers that have gone abroad. We have already launched the program and we are hoping to see it through".

The other associations and companies that have obtained excellence awards are: the Professional Association of Construction Companies (Patronatul Societăţilor din Construcţii - PSC), The Professional Association of Thermoinsulation Carpentry (PPTT), The Romanian of Metal Distributors (Asociaţia Română a Distribuitorilor de Metal - ARDIMET), The National Union of Historical Monument Restorers (Uniunea Naţională a Restauratorilor de Monumente Istorice - UNRMI), the National Association of Romanian Evaluators (Asociaţia Naţională a Evaluatorilor din România - ANEVAR), Veridio, Construcţii Erbaşu, Hidroconstrucţia, TeraSteel, TMK Artrom, Adeplast, Ariston Thermo, Electromagnetica, Wienerberger, TIAB and ALRO Slatina.

The entertainment of the gala was provided by the Play Orchestra band.

The partners of the event, to which we extend our thanks, included CCIR, CSC, TeraSteel, OTP Bank, Electromagnetica, Holzindustrie Schweighofer, Ariston Thermo, TMK-Artrom, ANEVAR, Wienerberger, Adeplast, Bauder, Sidera, Alexandrion, Everest Catering, Everest Mobilier, Rod-Print, Cofetaria Armand, Tymbark, Domeniile Bogdan, Paper Flowers by Simona, Schlumberger, Bosch.

