2010 - good year for some pharma companies, lousy for others

Emilia Olescu (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 29 august 2011

2010 - good year for some pharma companies, lousy for others

Even though the pharma market increased 19% last year, according to Cegedim, and at the same time exports of pharmaceutical products have also seen an upward trend, and the pharmaceutical industry represents, in the opinion of Petru Crăciun, the general manager of Cegedim, "one of Romania"s main creditors", the operations of companies in the sector evolved differently. Thus, some of the companies went from losing money to being profitable, others, and quite a few of them, went from making money to losing it. Some saw their profits shrink, whereas quite a few of them posted higher profits. However, according to information published on the website of the Ministry of Public Finance , they all have outstanding debt.

"Sanofi-Aventis" - a fourfold increase in profit

"Sanofi-Aventis" has increased its profit four times, in 2010 compared to 2009, from 2.43 million lei to almost 10.5 million lei. Also, the turnover increased, to 898 million lei, from 562 million lei. The number of employees fell by 2, from 203 to 201, whereas debts increased from 224 million lei to 526 million lei. The company"s receivables also increased, from 211 million lei to 462 million lei.

"Terapia", a profit two times greater than in 2009

In 2010, "Terapia" saw a net profit of 74.86 million lei, two times greater than the one of 2009, of 38.8 million lei. During the reviewed period, turnover also increased, from about 261 million to 377 million lei. The number of employees and the level of debts have decreased, from 782 to 677 employees, and from 84.9 million lei to 68 million lei, respectively. Receivables also increased, from 193 million lei to 249 million lei.

"Zentiva" went from losses of 2.9 million lei in 2009 to a profit of 57 million lei last year

"Zentiva" had a spectacular evolution in 2010, going from a loss of 2.9 million lei in 2009 to a profit of more than 57 million lei, with a turnover of almost 260 million lei, up from 175 million lei. Last year, the company had 585 employees, down from 691 employees in 2009. As the company"s profit and turnover increased, the company"s debt followed suit, from 34 million lei to 46 million lei. In this case, the company"s receivables fell from 123 million lei to 96 million lei.

"Pfizer" Romania - From losses to being profitable

"Pfizer" România went from a loss of 872,736 lei to a profit of 6.4 million lei, with a higher turnover in 2010 (almost 111 million lei) compared to 2009 (91.5 million lei). The number of employees increased (198 compared to 190), as did its debts (20 million lei compared to 11.8 million lei), and receivables (31 million lei up from 12 million lei).

"GlaxoSmithKline" earned over 14 million lei in 2010

Another company in the industry which saw its profits increase is "GlaxoSmithKline", which earned over 14 million lei in 2010, up from about 9 million lei, in 2009. Turnover has also increased, from 574 million lei to 672 million lei. This company also lowered its number of employees, from 396 to 357 people, with its debt increasing from 340 million lei to 443 million lei. The company"s receivables also increased - from 311 million lei to 395 million lei.

"Bayer" has made a profit of 8.5 million lei in 2010

"Bayer" is one of the companies in the Romanian pharma industry that saw a slowdown in growth last year. The company"s profit increased from 6 million lei, in 2009, to 8.5 million lei in 2010, and to a turnover of 240 million lei, up from 221 million lei. In this case, the number of employees increased by 9, to 200 people at the end of 2010. The company"s debts fell from 71 million lei to 67 million lei, whereas receivables increased to 81 million lei, from 69 million lei.

"Antibiotice" profit increases slightly

"Antibiotice" has seen a modest increase in its profit, from 11.9 million lei to 12.5 million lei, with the turnover increasing to 243 million lei, from 220 million lei. At the end of 2010, the company"s number of employees had increased to 1,441 from 1,430, and its debts had decreased slightly (110 million lei compared to 114 million lei). The company"s receivables remained relatively steady, at around 17.9 million lei.

"AstraZeneca Pharma" posts a profit of almost 5 million lei

"AstraZeneca Pharma" saw both its profit and turnover increase - from 3.6 million lei to almost 5 million lei, and from 85 million to 103 million lei, respectively. The company"s number of employees also increased from 253 to 294, as did its debts (from 15 million to 17 million lei) and receivables (from 9.8 million lei to 14 million lei).

Smaller gains for "Europharm"

"Europharm" has reduced its earnings, from 21 million lei in 2009 to 7.6 million lei in 2010, even though its turnover and number of employees increased (from 647 million lei to 921 million lei, and from 351 to 358, respectively). At the same time, the debts increased from 329 million lei to 648 million, and its receivables increased from 347 million lei to 647 million lei.

Rising profit for "Biofarm"

The profit of "Biofarm" increased from 20,797 lei to 55,230 lei. The company"s turnover fell, from 8.4 million to almost 7 million. The company kept its 16 employees, but saw its debts increase from 6.8 million lei to 8.9 million lei. On the other hand, the company"s receivables fell from more than 2 million lei to about 1 million lei.

"Servier Pharma" had a net profit of 2.5 million lei compared to 2.2 million lei, turnover - 74.4 million from 74.2 million lei, number of employees - 277 compared to 278 and debts - 4.7 million de lei compared to 3.7 million lei, receivables - 11 million lei compared to 8.8 million de lei.

"Gedeon Richter România", "Actavis", "Abbott Products" and "Farmacom Producţie" had a losing year, as follows:

"Gedeon Richter Romania":

2010: loss - 138 million lei, turnover - 111 million lei, employees - 553, debt - 293 million lei, - receivables - 164 million lei; 2009: profit - 2.9 million de lei, turnover - 111 million lei, number of employees - 576, debt - 318 million lei, receivables - 45 million de lei.


2010: loss - 8 million lei, turnover - 414 million lei, number of employees - 171, debt - 421 million lei, receivables - 408 million lei; 2009: profit - 44 million lei, turnover - 459 million lei, number of employees - 186, debts - 328 million lei, receivables - 284 million de lei.

"Abbott Products":

2010: loss - 488,497 lei, turnover - 22 million lei, number of employees - 83, debts - 6.5 million lei, receivables - 6 million lei; 2009: profit - 136,619 lei, turnover - 20 million lei, number of employees - 89, debts - 6 million lei, receivables - 5.9 million lei.

"Farmacom Productie":

2010: loss - 294,106 lei, turnover - 1.7 million lei, number of employees - 17, debts - 2 million lei, receivables - 67,588 lei; 2009: profit - 7,907 lei, turnover - approximately 2 million lei, number of employees - 20, debts - 2 million lei, receivables - 107,108 lei.

Due to the persistence of the financial constraints in the healthcare system, the pharmaceutical market has significantly reduced its growth in Q1 2011, to just 3.6% YOY, at the risk of decreasing the accessibility of treatments, with a 5.4% drop in volume over the same period, Petru Crăciun recently said: "If conditions remain constant, we stand by our growth forecast of +4.8% in 2011; if we do see new administrative restrictions (price cuts, deferred payments etc.), we will remake our forecasts in the near term, and the value of the market will probably remain very close to that of 2010 this year". The ranking of the first ten largest companies for the past 12 months remained the same as in the past quarter. "Sanofi-Aventis" (including "Zentiva" and "Sanofi-Pasteur") comes first, with sales of 844 million lei, followed by "Roche", with 839 million lei and "Novartis", with 683 million lei. The remaining positions among the top ten are held by "Pfizer" (including "Wyeth") - 594 million lei, "GlaxoSmithKline" - 592 million lei, "Servier" - 486 million lei, "Merck & Co" - 455 million lei, "AstraZeneca" - 403 million lei, "Daiichi-Sankyo" - 353 million lei and "Abbott" - 295 million lei.

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