429 companies of Braşov entered insolvency this year

Ovidiu VRÂNCEANU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 21 iulie 2010

429 companies of the city of Braşov have become insolvent in the first six months of 2010. Braşov holds the seventh spot in the number of bankruptcies, after Bucharest - 1,405, Bihor - 657, Constanţa - 571, Timiş - 481, Dolj - 447, and Cluj, with 443 insolvency cases. As a result, in H1 2010, 11,121 companies entered insolvency on a national level.

According to data from the Trade Registry, Braşov has 27,545 active retailers, of which 6,390 are certified individual traders, and 21,157 are companies. Thus, the city of Braşov holds the eighth spot in terms of the number of active retailers.

The bad news is that the number of incorporations is decreasing. While last year, 1,760 companies had incorporated in the first quarter, only 1,639 companies were incorporated in H1 2010 in Braşov.

Also according to data from the Trade Registry, in the first semester of 2010, 1,898 companies suspended their operations, a number which decreased by 53.45% over H1 2009, when 4,077 companies were closed down. The number of voluntary company dissolutions has decreased 10 times, from 540 to 47 companies.

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