A&D Pharma Turnover Up 34%

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 5 aprilie 2007

A&D Pharma Holdings SRL posted 331,6 million EUR in turnover for 2006, up 34% year-on-year. EBITDA reached 28,1 million EUR, up 12% compared to 2005, while net profit amounted 17,8 million EUR, incresing by 7,4% year-on-year.

A&D Pharma controls distribution company Mediplus and drug store chain Sensiblu. Mediplus, the largest pharmaceutical distributor on the Romanian market, last year posted 288 million EUR in turnover, while Sensiblu, the largest drug store chain in our country, reported a turnover of 90 million EUR.

The first step of trhe company"s regional expansion in South Eastern Europe was the opening of a distribution and marketing company in the Republic of Moldova. "The countries we want to expand to are Bulgaria, Serbia, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, said Dragos Dinu, CEO of A&D Pharma. He added that the company will apply the same strategy, namely organizing distribution first, and then retail. A&D Pharma has high expectations from the rural segment, which was neglected so far.

A&D Pharma Holdings SRL is the only Romanian company listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE), the company"s shares being traded as Global Depositary Receipts (GDR), under the symbol ADPH, as of October 2006. The listing of A&D Pharma on the Bucharest Stock Exchange is not necessary at this point, as this move would bring no real benefits to the company. The only ones who might benefit from the listing are the shareholders.

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