A 31 million lei auction for Romgaz wells

A.T. (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 28 aprilie 2010

Romgaz SA has launched a call for tenders for a June 8th for a contract involving the drilling and outfitting of gas wells. According to an announcement made by the company, the estimated value of the contract is around 31 million lei, for an expected duration of 12 months.

Romgaz Mediaş will spend an additional 7.8 million lei for the purchase of IT solutions that will ensure data access in the event of a disaster, an announcement made by the gas manufacturer says, as quoted by Mediafax. The latter contract was awarded to Net Brinel of Cluj-Napoca on March 10th, following an open call for tenders for which only one bid was submitted.

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