A LEGAL SITUATION Interstellar ship Mediafax Group

FLORIAN GOLDSTEIN (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 februarie 2015

The claims submitted by creditors in the Mediafax Group insolvency case

The claims submitted by creditors in the Mediafax Group insolvency case

  • document ataşat The claims submitted by creditors in the Mediafax Group insolvency case
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    ING, the biggest creditor of Mediafax, with 15.4 million Euros

    "Fiscal obscenity!", exclaimed famous graphic artist Eugen Mihăescu, referring to the practices of Adrian Sârbu, in the year 2000, but in fact, the lack of decency has been a part of not only his business relationships with the state, but also in his relations with the business partners, as can be seen in the table of debts that the Mediafax group owes.

    Sârbu did not pay for the photos that he published in the media entities that he owns.

    He did not pay for the pictures or the movies they published on the internet.

    He did not pay for the postal services for the deliveries to subscribers.

    Shipping has not been paid either.

    The Romanian Ratings Auditing Office (BRAT) has not been paid either.

    The Mediafax group seems to be an interstellar ship - with no gravity - taxes paid to the government, nope, postal fees, nope, free photographs, check, free shipping, check, unpaid telecommunication bills, check, unpaid fees to the Romanian Ratings Audit Bureau (BRAT), no software licenses, as for the rent, come back later and see if it actually gets paid.

    The whole group is like that - Ziarul Financiar, the Mediafax Agency, Gândul, Business Magazin.

    Upon acquiring the classifieds paper "Anunţ de la A la Z", Sârbu scammed the former owners.

    Ziarul Financiar would organize conferences in hotels.

    The catering would be left unpaid, as would the fee for the renting of the space!

    The hotels got stiffed.

    The prizes awarded to participants to the events ... yes, you guessed it, another con!, the companies that supplied them weren't paid.

    Optimistic messages.

    Expensive hotels.

    Corporate guests.

    They're not to blame, they couldn't have know that they would participating in a circus.

    They couldn't even expect that something like that exists.

    But one of the guests knew!

    One of the top guests.

    THE Guest - finance minister Ioana Petrescu.

    Yes, Ioana Petrescu knew from the ANAF.

    And yes, Ioana Petrescu knew from BURSA, which officially informed her that she can not afford to urge fiscal discipline, speaking in a conference organized by an entity that was an obscene tax evader.

    But Ioana Petrescu just stuck to her guns.

    She published about ten articles in Ziarul Financiar, wherein, out the various moronic things she wrote, her solution for helping the elderly by reducing tax evasion became famous:

    "A better solution would be for every taxpayer to pay their taxes, for the state to have enough money to pay bigger pensions and to provide quality services to retirees. Buy that garlic from them, because you are a human being! Pay your taxes, because you are a citizen and that makes you a human being twice!"

    Poor girl!, she didn't even succeed in convincing the owner of Ziarul Financiar, which published her article, to do so ...

    Adrian Sârbu did not buy a clove of garlic from the poor elderly, nor did he pay his taxes.

    Question: what was Sârbu thinking, as he was reading Ioana Petrescu's articles?

    Do you think he was saying: "How right this young Harvard graduate is!"?

    I think he was actually laughing: "Such stupidity!"

    I think he thought that, by publishing her articles and organizing her conferences, Ioana Petrescu would look away from his tax evasion and would cover it up, like he had become accustomed to, in the last 20 years.

    Adrian Sârbu was arrested as CEO of Mediafax Group.

    "It is all a fabrication", he stated.

    I can hardly wait to hear Cristian Tudor Popescu, who works for Sârbu's "Gândul", say that "It is a difficult situation, unpleasant, but legal" (like he said in the following article: "Evazionistul Popescu"/ Gandul.info/ December 10th, 2014).

    Yes, it has finally become a legal situation, but not the way that Popescu meant it, just through an arrest.

    The situation has become a legal issue, and at least partly, decent.

    But not completely, because the money will not be recouped, by the state, nor by the suppliers.

    The man seems to be bankrupt.

    ING Bank has about 15.4 million Euros to recoup from Mediafax, according to the creditor list, which gets done as part of the insolvency procedure.

    Sârbu has used all of this brands and companies as collateral for a loan that he has rolled over for 15 years and for which the required collateral - for the loan and the interest - amounts to approximately 28 million dollars and 4 million Euros.

    Hm!, it doesn't look like the "Thought" (ed. note: "Gândul" means "The Thought" in Romanian) to ever repay his loan ever crossed his mind, even if he actually had the money.

    I am really curious to find out what the parent bank of ING thinks about this...

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