A new FNI case on trial in Sibiu

D. N. (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 23 martie 2011

A new FNI case on trial in Sibiu

The prosecutors of the National Anticorruption Department - The Department of the Alba Service have filed a new lawsuit pertaining to the National Investment Fund (FNI). Ioana Maria Vlas, president and chief executive officer of SC SOV Invest SA (the company which managed FNI), Marian Petrescu, president and chief executive officer of SC SOV Invest SA, Mihaela Sima, CFO of SC SOV Invest SA, are being charged with ongoing fraud against 5,363 FNI investors residing in the city of Sibiu. Also, Marius Andrei, Gavril Bătrân, Ion Diţă, Gheorghe Negură, Mircea Ianculescu, Mircea Costescu, all of which held management positions in SC SOV Invest SA, were charged with complicity to ongoing fraud.

The prosecutors allege that between 1995 and 24.05.2000, the 5,363 FNI investors of Sibiu, incurred a total loss of 58,584,244,693 ROL. The nine defendants were tried and were definitively convicted in 2009, in another case concerning the operations of the National Investment Fund.

The case was sent to the Court of Sibiu.

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