Academic undergraduate program in economic informatics also in Arad

English Section / 30 mai 2024

Academic undergraduate program in economic informatics also in Arad

Versiunea în limba română

The Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (UBB) will start, from the 2024-2025 academic year, an academic undergraduate program (ID form) in economic informatics in Arad, following a partnership concluded with the Western University "Vasile Goldiş". According to UBB, the presence in Arad comes "as a result of the invitation of the local authorities to contribute, together with the two public universities already existing in the city, to the stabilization of young people in the city and to the attraction of human resources from the region. The new program of UBB has this potential , bringing together two leading fields in today's world, namely economic sciences/business and computer science". The physical infrastructure (classrooms, etc.) will be provided by UVVG Arad, and the official launch of the study program will take place on June 13. UBB conveys that it is the university with the most complex academic profile in the country (by the number of programs and the multicultural character with three official academic languages: Romanian, Hungarian and German), with the oldest academic tradition in Romania (started 442 years ago - 1581 ), also representing the largest academic community in the country (over 50,000 people, from 15 localities and 11 counties).
