"Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis" brings together over 100 specialists from the country and abroad

English Section / 18 septembrie 2024

Photo source: https://www.primariavs.ro/

Photo source: https://www.primariavs.ro/

Versiunea în limba română

History is not only a glimpse into the past but can also decipher the future. The "Ştefan cel Mare" Vaslui County Museum organizes the 47th edition of the International Session of Scientific Communications "Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis", which brings together over 100 specialists from the country and abroad, between September 19 and 20. Historians, researchers, university teachers, conservators, restorers, museum pedagogues, managers and other professionals will present their works resulting from the research they have undertaken. This year, a tribute event will take place during the communications session. "This year we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the "Ştefan cel Mare" County Museum in Vaslui. It is a moment of celebration for us, a unique moment and we are happy to announce that we managed to organize ourselves in such a way that the Session of Scientific Communications "Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis" to be dedicated to the 50 Vaslui museums", said the director of the Vaslui "Ştefan cel Mare" County Museum, Ramona Mocanu. The event will include exhibitions, communications and the launch of some publications. To these, the Museum Management debate section is added, where managers of the country's museums will be present. According to the organizers: "During the opening ceremony, three plenary talks will be held. The first is dedicated to the greatest voivode of Moldova - Stephen the Great in the social memory of the Romanians, the second presents another personality of Moldova - the Metropolitan of Dosoft - 400 years since its birth, and the third one has in its center one of the moments that changed the history of Romania - August 23, 1944 - August 23, 2024. The program of the session includes book launches and presentations , in addition to the "Ştefan cel Mare" Vaslui County Museum Yearbook and the institution's magazine, "Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis", respectively "Vaslui Cultural Files", other works about the institution's history and people will be presented". For historians these events represent an opportunity to make their work known.

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