Admission to high school is not only about exams, the ability to complete the options as realistically and extensively as possible is also very important. The Ministry of Education announces that the high school admission calendar has begun, and the computerized distribution of students will take place on July 24. Parents and students are advised to make a list of the desired specializations, in order of preference, but also to carefully check the related codes. It is also recommended to complete a sufficient number of options. The Ministry of Education has produced a Guide regarding admission to high school 2024. The document, posted on the website of the Ministry of Education, makes recommendations for parents and students and asks them to be careful about the chosen specializations, but also to have a sufficient number of options, so that the students should not remain unassigned. The document also explains to students and parents how to complete the options. The Ministry also presented the dates from the Admission calendar: July 10, the publication of the candidate hierarchy; July 11-22 - completing, in the registration forms, the options, together with the parents and the leading teachers; July 24 - computerized distribution. For the students who remain unassigned, the second session of the computerized assignment will be organized, starting on August 2. The Ministry of Education published, on Tuesday, the final results of the National Assessment. 27,640 appeals were submitted, representing 8.76% of the total number of works. Following the re-evaluation of contested papers, the share of students with averages greater than or equal to 5 (five) is 74.5% (113,911 students), increasing by 0.1% (203 students) compared to the initial results (74.4%) . In 2023, the rate of averages greater than or equal to 5 (five) was 76.4%. After the appeals, the number of students with a general average of 10 also increased, from 65 to 74.
Admission to high school has reached the stage of filling out forms
English Section / 11 iulie 2024