ADVERTORIAL Anuntul privind selectia candidatilor pentru 7 pozitii de membri ai Consiliului de Administratie al S.N.G.N. ROMGAZ SA

Ziarul BURSA #Piaţa de Capital #Energie / 17 martie 2018

SNGN ROMGAZ SA ( Romgaz este cel mai mare producator si principal furnizor de gaze naturale din Romania. Compania este admisa la tranzactionare din anul 2013 pe piata Bursei de Valori din Bucuresti si a Bursei din Londra ( LSE). Actionar principal este statul roman cu o participatie de 70%. Compania are o experienta vasta in domeniul explorarii si producerii de gaze naturale, istoria sa incepand de acum mai bine de 100 de ani in 1909, cand a fost descoperit primul zacamant de gaze naturale in Bazinul Transilvaniei la Sarmasel.

In conformitate cu OUG 109/2011, modificata si aprobata prin Legea nr. 111/2016 privind Guvernanta corporativa a intreprinderilor publice, ROMGAZ a selectat S.C . George Butunoiu Group S.R.L. pentru a-i oferi asistenta in procesul de selectie in vederea desemnarii Membrilor in Consiliul de Administratie al SNGN ROMGAZ S.A.


a.Absolvent ( a) de studii superioare cu diploma de licenta a unei institutii de invatamant superior;

b.Minimum 10 ani experienta profesionala;

c.Minimum 5 ani experienta in pozitii de conducere;

d.Experienta anterioara ca membru intr-un consiliu de administratie;

e.Experienta de lucru in companii cu cifra de afaceri de cel putin 200 Milioane Euro;

f.Cunoasterea limbii romane;

g.O buna imagine publica si reputatie profesionala


h.Studii post-universitare in institutii de invatamant superior reputate;

i.Experienta in companii care opereaza in urmatoarele industrii: petrol si gaze utilitati publice, productie de energie, alte firme cu activitati de productie pe scara larga in domeniul industrial;

j.Cunostinte despre piata de capital, companii listate la Bursa;

k.Experienta in implementarea si utilizarea sistemelor informatice complexe de tip ERP si BI;

l.Cunostinte juridice relevante pentru post si activitatea companiei;

m.Experienta in managementul financiar-analiza, planificare, trezorerie, raportari;

n.Cunostinte de guvernanta corporativa;

o.Experienta in comunicarea si relatia cu autoritatile si stakeholderii;

p.Cunostinte si experienta in planificarea strategica, managementul riscului, management organizational si al performantei;

q.Experienta in relatia cu autoritatile publice, de reglementare si supervizare.

Modul de depunere al candidaturii: CV-urile candidatilor vor fi trimise numai in format electronic pe adresa de e-mail pana cel tarziu in data de 16 aprilie 2018 (30 zile de la data postarii anuntului).

Candidatii selectati de catre firma de recrutare in urma interviurilor vor depune urmatoarele documente necesare pentru inregistrarea candidaturii, pe suport de hartie in plic inchis si sigilat pe care se va mentiona: " Procedura de selectie pentru Administrator ROMGAZ, Nume si Prenume Candidat", la adresa de corespondenta S.C. George Butunoiu SRL, Str. Andrei Muresanu nr. 17, sector 1 Bucuresti:


-Curriculum Vitae in limba romana;

-Cazier judiciar;

-Cazier fiscal;

-Doua scrisori de recomandare care sa contina numele si datele de contact ale persoanelor care ofera referintele;

-Copie a actului de identitate;

-Copii conforme cu originalul ale actelor de studii;

-Acte care fac dovada experientei de minimum 10 ani experienta profesionala totala dintre care 5 ani in pozitii de conducere;

-Declaratie pe proprie raspundere privind vechimea in munca si de experienta manageriala

-Declaratie pe proprie raspundere privind neincadrarea in situatia de conflict de interese;

-Declaratie privind neincadrarea intr-una dintre situatiile de desfacere a contractului individual de munca din motive imputabile lui/ei;

-Declaratie pe proprie raspundere privind autenticitatea diplomelor de studii prezentate in copie;

-Declaratie de intentie a candidatului, in conformitate cu prevederile HG 722/2016. Ea va contine legatura dintre profilul candidatului si obiectivele care trebuie sa le realizeze conform scrisorii de asteptari a angajatorului, exemple de indicatori pe care candidatul ii considera oportuni pentru monitorizarea si remunerarea performantei, aprecierii cu privire la provocarile specifice cu care se confrunta societatea angajatoare, constrangeri, riscuri si limitari pe care candidatul le-ar putea intampina in implementarea masurilor propuse.

Prin transmiterea aplicatiei, candidatii isi dau acordul implicit ca datele personale sa fie procesate in scopul procedurii de recrutare si selectie.

Toate aplicatiile ( Cv-urile trimise pe e-mail) primesc confirmare de primire cu "reply" catre adresa de la care au fost trimise, raspuns trimis de catre consultantul S.C George Butunoiu Group SRL.

ATENTIE: mesajele automate de la server nu sunt considerate confirmari de primire!

Daca nu primiti aceasta confirmare de primire va rugam sa retrimiteti aplicatia sau sa contactati reprezentantii SC George Butunoiu Group SRL la nr. 0212332093.

Nota: acest anunt a fost publicat in presa centrala din Romania si pe site-urile consultantului ( si pe cel al S.N.GN. Romgaz S.A.(

Announcement regarding the selection of candidates for 7 positions of members of the Board of Directors of S.N.G.N. ROMGAZ SA

SNGN ROMGAZ SA ( Romgaz is the largest producer and main supplier of natural gas in Romania. The company is listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange (LSE) market since 2013. The main shareholder is the Romanian state with a 70% stake. The company has extensive experience in the exploration and production of natural gas, its history starting more than 100 years ago in 1909, when the first gas field was discovered in the Transylvanian Basin at Sărmăşel.

According to GEO 109/2011, amended and approved by Law no. 111/2016 on Corporate Governance of Public Enterprises, ROMGAZ selected S.C. George Butunoiu Group S.R.L. to provide assistance in the selection process of the members of the Board of ROMGAZ S.A.


a. Graduate with a Bachelor's degree at a higher education institution;

b. Minimum 10 years of professional experience;

c. Minimum 5 years of experience in management positions;

d. Previous experience as a member of a board of directors;

e. Work experience in companies with a turnover of at least 200 million Euros;

f. knowledge of the Romanian language;

g. Good public image and professional reputation


h. Post-graduate studies at reputable higher education institutions;

i. Experience in companies operating in the following industries: oil and gas, utilities, energy production, other companies with large-scale production activities in the industrial field;

j. Knowledge of capital markets, companies listed on the Stock Exchange;

k. Experience in implementing and using complex IT systems such as ERP and BI;

l. Legal knowledge relevant to the position and activity of the company;

m. Experience in financial management - analysis, planning, treasury, reporting;

n. Knowledge of corporate governance;

o Experience in communication, relationship with authorities and stakeholder relations;

p. Knowledge and experience in strategic planning, risk management, organizational management and performance;

q. Experience in dealing with public, regulatory and supervisory authorities.

How to apply: Candidates' CVs shall be sent in electronic format only to the e-mail address no later than April 16, 2018 (30 days of the announcement date).

Candidates selected by the recruitment firm after the interviews will submit the following documents necessary for the registration of the application on paper in closed and sealed envelopes mentioning: "Selection Procedure for ROMGAZ Administrator, Name and Surname of Candidate" at the postal address: SC George Butunoiu SRL, Str. Andrei Muresanu no. 17, sector 1 Bucharest:

- Docket;

- Curriculum Vitae in Romanian;

- Criminal record;

- Fiscal record;

- Two referral letters containing the names and contact details of the referrer;

- Copy of the identity document;

- Copy conforming to the original of the study diplomas/certificates;

- Documents that prove the experience of at least 10 years of total professional experience of which 5 years in management positions;

- Affidavit on seniority in work and managerial experience

- Statement on non-compliance with the conflict of interest situation;

- Statement of non-compliance in one of the situations of terminating the individual labor contract for reasons attributable to him / her;

- Statement on the authenticity of the diploma studies submitted in copy;

- Declaration of intention of the candidate, according to the provisions of GD 722/2016. It will include the link between the candidate's profile and the objectives to be achieved according to the employer's letter of intent, examples of indicators that the candidate considers opportune to monitor and remunerate performance, appreciation of the specific challenges faced by the employing company, constraints, risks and limitations that the candidate might encounter in implementing the proposed measures.

By submitting the application, the candidates agree implicitly that personal data be processed for the purposes of the recruitment and selection procedure.

All applications (CVs sent by e-mail) receive acknowledgement of receipt with "reply" to the address from which they were sent, from the consultant of S.C George Butunoiu Group SRL.

ATTENTION: automatic server messages are not considered as acknowledgement of receipt! If you do not receive this acknowledgment of receipt, please resubmit the application or contact the representatives of SC George Butunoiu Group SRL at phone no. 021/2332093.

Note:This announcement was published in the Romanian central press, on the consultant's website ( and on the website of S.N.GN. Romgaz S.A. (

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