Aerostar - Bacau Splits Share Face Value By Ten

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 4 aprilie 2008

Aircraft maker Aerostar - Bacau (BSE:ARS) has split the face value of the shares by ten, from 2.5 RON to 0.25 RON, and has duly registered the operation with the Central Depository, according to an announcement to the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE).

Following this change, Aerostar has a share capital of 29.28 million RON divided into 117.1 million shares with a face value of 0.25 RON. BSE announced that they will not impose a percentage limitation of the price of placed orders until the establishment of the baseline price. Also, Aerostar stock will not be traded on the Deal market, but only on Regular (REGS) and OddLot (ODDS).

Aerostar concluded last year with a net profit of 10.15 million RON (2.81 million EUR), down by 25% y/y from 13.45 million RON. Last year"s turnover reached 139.19 million RON (38.56 million EUR), slightly down from 140.98 million RON in 2006. The company is listed on BSE as ARS.

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