Aerostar Bacau To Pay Gross Dividend Of 0,87 RON/Share

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 12 martie 2007

The Management Board of Aerostar Bacau proposed the distribution of gross dividends of 0,87 RON/share from last year"s profit. The proposal will be discussed in the General Meeting of the shareholders which will be held in April.

The company is listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange under the symbol ARS. On November 22nd 2002, the majority shareholder was SC Iarom SA with 71,09%, while SIF Moldova was hoding 11,14% in the company. In 2006, the company doubled its profit compared to 2005.

Aerostar operates mainly on the aeronautic and defense market, providing services and products in this field. Due to the variety of its products and services, Aerostar has clients in Europe, USA, Asia and Africa. In the past few years, exports accounted for a significant percentage of the company"s turnover.

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