Aker Braila Shareholders Appointed Board Of Directors

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 21 februarie 2007

Shareholders in Aker Braila shipyard convened on February 16 in a general meeting and appointed the Board of Directors, according to a report to Rasdaq.

Roy Reite was appionted Board Director. The other four Board members are Lars Eivind Staerk, Oddvar Slettevold, Jan Petter Hagen and Dumitru Ivanov. Two of the Board members, Kjell Wiggo Westby and Leif Borge were not confirmed through cumulative voting and they were removed from position.

Aker Braila has a share capital of 49,71 million RON. The majority shareholder is the company Scandinor AS, holding 83,68% in Aker Braila. In March 2006, SIF Moldova was holding 11,49% in the company. In 2003, Norwegian company Scandinor was taken over by Aker. Aker also owns the Tulcea shipyard, which was bought from the state six years ago.

