Albalact Alba Iulia Increases Share Capital

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 13 aprilie 2007

The management Board of Alba Iulia-based dairy producer Albalact has approved a share capital increase by 9.994.267 RON, to 19.433.617,3 RON, by the issue of new shares with a face value of 0,1 RON/share. Shareholders exercised their preemptive rights and subscribed for 99.942.670 shares of the 108.552.532 shares issued. The unsubscribed shares were cancelled.

Following the share capital increase, Ciurtin Petru will hold 70.360.123 shares (36,20% in the company), Ciurtin Raul - 31.159.258 shares (16,03%) and Rusu Vasile - 27.271 shares. Albalact shares are traded on Rasdaq under the ALBZ.
