All the large junctions in Braşov will feature roundabouts

Ovidiu VRÂNCEANU,BraŞov (Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 28 iulie 2009

The works for the construction of six roundabouts are set to begin soon in the city of Braşov, and they will streamline traffic by replacing the current traffic light system. The six roundabouts will be done as part of the EBRD-funded works for the rehabilitation of the Calea Bucureşti and 13 Decembrie streets. Once heavy traffic will be diverted away from the city, two more roundabouts will be created. Mayor George Scripcaru said: "Roundabouts have a lot of benefits. Apart from streamlining traffic, they help save money which can be used to maintain traffic lights. Another benefit of roundabouts is that they help reduce pollution caused by waiting for green lights". Four of the six roundabouts will be created on Calea Bucureşti street, which will also feature roundabouts to replace the street lights located near Carrefour, Praktiker, Selgros and Macromall, as well as at the junction with Lacurilor street. Two other roundabouts will be made on the 13 Decembrie street.

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