EMILIA OLESCU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 23 mai 2012

Leonard Orban: The successive managements of the Management Authority are to blame for the irregularities which were uncovered.

Leonard Orban: The successive managements of the Management Authority are to blame for the irregularities which were uncovered.

Wages ranging between 3,500 and over 10,000 Euros per month

Romania might lose about 1.2 billion Euros, out of the European funds pertaining to the Human Resources Development Sectoral Operational Program (POSDRU), due to the uncovering of serious irregularities in the unfolding of this program, between 2010-2011, PM Victor Ponta said yesterday. According to him, the 100 million Euros for 2012 and the 1.1 billion Euros for next year represent all the payments afferent to the POSDRU.

The head of the Government yesterday presented data which he received "through unofficial channels" out of an audit of the POSDRU, according to which, out of the total of two billion Euros which Romania has available only 6% was settled, with 2,500 contracts being signed. Victor Ponta emphasized that there are serious problems with the evaluation of the projects and their verification and emphasized the fact that he has notified the Anti-Fraud Department (DLAF) and that the Government will try to implement a program of actions to avoid losing the European funds, the PM said. He went on to say that if the program isn't implemented by the end of the year, he will decide on a "radical" measure of total restructuring of the Authority for the management of the POSDRU, including at the risk of having to apply again for accreditation: "I have asked the DLAF, because I doubt that we can go on to without identifying the guilty, and if the ministers, - whether it was Mr. Botiş (ed. note: Ioan Botiş, former minister of Labor), Mr. Lăzăroiu (ed. note: Sebastian Lăzăroiu, former minister of Labor), Mrs. Barbu (ed. note: Sulfina Barbu, former minister of Labor)- did absolutely nothing and can clearly be accused of political negligence, when in fact there is even more than that, I think there is a need for criminal and civil liability and I think we need to send a very clear signal. (...)

I am trying not to use a very strong word, but it was a real debauchery over there".

Cristian Pârvan: "This negative assessment is too harsh"

The statements made by Victor Ponta are exaggerated, according to Cristian Pârvan, the secretary general of the Businesspeople Association of Romania (AOAR), who said: "It is clear that POSDRU is a bit more «soft» than other programs, that it has a certain flexibility; personnel trainings are being conducted in every county, there is entrepreneurship everywhere. This negative assessment is too harsh. The businesspeople who accessed this kind of funds have adjusted to the way the program was built, and this program was fragmented across tens of priorities. There will most likely be evidence for the claims made, there is indeed a need to bring order, but not like this. For example, drastically cutting the payment of project managers is an aberration. It may have gotten to salaries of thousands of Euros, but no one is going to stay and work for four hundred Euros".

Cristian Pârvan considers that, before looking for irregularities in the unfolding of this kind of programs, we need to know how to draw up sewer projects, infrastructure, ecological garbage dumps etc.

Mihai Ionescu: Having all of the funding of the POSDRU suspended is unfair

Some of the beneficiaries which are conducting European grants through the POSDRU will be hurt by the suspension of all the payments made through this program, considers Mihai Ionescu, the secretary general of the Romanian National Association of Importers and Exporters (ANEIR), who said: "I can not dispute the accusations made by the prime minister yesterday, but a measure like suspending the settlements will very severely affect several beneficiaries who have ongoing projects, including ourselves (ed. note: the members of the ANEIR), who were aiming at getting the Romanian exporters to the level of expertise of their EU peers and to increase the social responsibilities of the export companies. I think that the measure is unfair. Payment shouldn't be suspended on all the contracts. Legal procedures should be initiated where irregularities are found, but the projects which showed no irregularities should be allowed to continue, because the money is frozen and some of the structures which have begun this process may go bankrupt".

The fair businesspeople will be left defenseless and counterproductive, claims Mihai Ionescu, who said that "he finds generalizing "abnormal".

Sulfina Barbu: "The Prime Minister is seriously wrong"

PDL deputy Sulfina Barbu, former minister of Labor, considers that prime minister Ponta has made unfounded statements when he referred to the major irregularities concerning the unfolding of the POSDRU which allegedly took place during the time she was minister of Labor: "The prime minister is seriously wrong, which is what we have come to expect from him, he comes out with unwarranted claims. During the time I was minister, payments of 190 million were made by the European Commission, which I think can be verified, and all of them were settled by it".

Sulfina Barbu explained that during her mandate as Minister of Labor, a list of potentially risky 348 projects was drafted: "That list was submitted by the Management Authority for all the contracts in question to be verified and the guides were not launched because we have uncovered irregularities in the projects".

Referring to who would bear the blame on the complaints about the POSDRU, Sulfina Barbu said: "Let's look at whether the guides which were launched, because during my term there weren't any, whether the projects comply with the guides and whether the procedures were complied with. But that was supposed to be checked for each individual project; this is what I decided during the time that I worked as minister".

Orban: Most likely, the European Commission will decide to suspend the payments for the POSDRU program

The European Commission will most likely decide to suspend the payments of European funds to the POSDRU, following the audit missions, Leonard Orban, the minister of European affairs said, who did say, however, that he has not yet seen the audit report.

According to him, the suspension of the payments would be decided in a few days and would last a few months, due to the irregularities found within the POSDRU program for the 2010-2011 period.

The first thing that needs to happen during the suspension is to correct the uncovered issues.

The representative of the Ministry of European Affairs said that the blame of the irregularities which were uncovered lies with all the successive managers of the Management Authority of the POSDRU and those of the intermediate institutions of the POSDRU.

Following the uncovered irregularities, financial sanctions may be applied in order to partially or totally recoup some of the amounts which were illegally spent, Leonard Orban went on to say.

172 notifications to the DLAF, over the last two months

The PM said that the main irregularities were found at the Management Authority for the POSDRU, of the Ministry of Labor, as well as at the intermediate body of the Ministry of Education. The prime minister also mentioned that in the case of certain programs, a lot of people in the public and private sector earned salaries ranging from 3,500 and going above 10,000 Euros per month.

One such example of irregularity presented by the authorities was that lifeguards were not trained at the seaside.

Another example mentions the fact that the same project was presented in the same format several times to 20 intermediate bodies, of which 9 approved it, and 11 rejected it.

Also, between 2010 and 2011, serious issues were found in the system concerning the evaluation of the projects, their audit, the risk percentages and the IT system of the Ministry of Labor, to which 350 people received unauthorized access.

The DLAF received 14 notifications in 2010 and 9 in 2011. Over the last two months, after the entire top level team of the Management Authority was replaced, 172 complaints were received.

According to the 2011 activity report of the DLAF, out of the 178 probes, which were ongoing in 2011, 97 have been finalized, and hints of fraud that affect the financial and European interests were found in 53 of them.

The total value of the projects for which the probes were completed exceeds 247 million Euros, and the total value of the financial impact estimated in the case of the irregularities and possible frauds which were uncovered is about 28.88 million Euros. 52 cases were submitted to the authorities which are competent with managing the European funds, in order to recoup the amounts which were used inappropriately, according to the quoted report.

The National Anticorruption Department estimates the losses in the cases it investigated using the Audit notes of the DLAF at approximately 4.6 million Euros.

Last year, 61 court rulings were issued against 113 defendants who were indicted by the National Anticorruption Department, for committing several infractions of unlawfully obtaining and inappropriately using the funds originating from the general budget of the European Union. Out of the 61 court rulings, 31 remained final.

The total number of audits completed in 2011, which concerned suspicions of fraud shows that the biggest number of possibly criminal acts were committed in the private sector.

In the beginning of the year, the European Commission applied preventive financial punishments against Romania

At the end of February 2012, the European Commission (EC) announced it would suspend the payments for the applications which our country has ongoing as part of the POSDRU program. According to the EC, in the annual audit report for 2011, the Romanian Audit Authority has identified some major flaws of the management and audit system of the POSDRU. At the time, the representatives of the European Commission announced that the suspension would be lifted as soon as the Romanian Audit Authority would confirm that the deficiencies have been remedied, according to the provisions of the regulations for structural funds.

The interruption of the payment deadline does not affect the implementation of the projects, as the Management Authority can continue to make payments, the authorities have announced.

After the European Commission decided to suspend the reimbursements of the expenses under the POSDRU program, it was decided that payments under this program would resume.

In the beginning of this year, the European Commission has applied preventive financial corrections amounting to 10% of the settlement value of some invoices. The corrections will remain in place as preventive measures, for the duration of the first semester, during which time the EC officials will conduct new verifications through an audit mission, the minister announced at the time.

Last year the total value of the corrections applied to the public procurement contracts using structural funds increased by more than 100%, due to the suspension of the payments on the Second Axis of the of the regional Operational Program, according to Gheorghe Oană, the vice-president of the Romanian Court of Accounts, who recently told us that in 2011, this amount reached approximately 50 million Euros.

Carmen Roşu - the fourth head of the Management Authority of the POSDRU in the last two years

In February, former prime minister Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu asked the minister of Labor in office at the time to dismiss Carmen Ionel from the position of General Manager of the Management Authority (AM) for the POSDRU program, claiming weak performance.

Until the holding of the competition for the filling of the position of General Manager, at the AM POSDRU, the management authority which manages the European funds for human resources programs amounting to 3.5 billion Euros (the funds allocated for the 2007-2013 period), the interim position will be held by Carmen Roşu, former director in the Ministry of Public Finance, who has an expertise of 15 years in the management of European funds.

Carmen Ionel was the third director to be dismissed from the management of the Management Authority of the POSDRU program, over the last two years.

The first head of the POSDRU management authority was Cristina Iova, who was dismissed in February 2010, due to the low rate of absorption for European funds by the POSDRU program. After that, the Authority was led by Anca Cristina Zevedei, who was dismissed in May 2011 by former Prime Minister Emil Boc. According to the statements made at the time, the decision was a "managerial one, to ensure total transparency in the investigation conducted on the former minister of Labor". Back then, Labor minister Ioan Botiş was involved in a scandal related to European funds, after the press found out that an NGO which won European funding had its office at the home address of Botiş, and the request for financing was approved just one month after his appointment as minister.

Irregularities in the unfolding of the POSDRU projects

According to rumors in the market, the blame for the problems which led to the suspension of the reimbursements in the previous years lies with the Management Authority of the POSDRU program. Some sources claim that the ineffectiveness is also due to the shortage of employees. Apparently, almost half of the positions specified in the organizational structure are vacant, since some of the more experienced employees left for private companies, especially due to the cuts in wages, and the employees who stayed behind had precarious training.

Apparently, the intentions of Cristina Zevedei to abandon some of the projects contracted as part of the Priority Axis 4, amid the difficulties which arose in spending the granted funds, had a negative effect on the unfolding of the European projects on the POSDRU.

Some of the applications of the Priority Axis 4 affected by numerous deficiencies include "COMPROF -The increase of the level of professional competences of the SPO staff for providing customized services to people looking for a job, including the unemployed and the vulnerable groups" (worth approximately 18 million lei) and "PROSELF - The promotion of the self-service programs" (worth approximately 13 million lei).

The name of Cristina Zevedei is tied to "Asesoft Internaţional" SA Ploieşti. Some people claim that she interceded in the awarding of the contract "Integrated IT management system - SIM - POSDRU", worth 5 million Euros and that she had asked its employees to change the documentation for the holding of the call for tenders, after the announcement for the latter was pulled from the SEAP, as well as the documentation of the application and of the terms of participating in the call for tenders. The amendment was actually made to favor "Asesoft Internaţional", which already owned some of the software modules pertaining to the contract, which would have allowed it to meet the deadline which had been set. The final version of the documentation was apparently posted on the SEAP on the last day of April 2010, without the license of the ACIS and of the Authority for the Certification and Payment of the Ministry of Finance concerning the fairness the provisions contained within.

Another company which actually benefited from the actions of Cristina Zevedei in the projects conducted through the POSDRU is "Gematex Center Prodcom Impex" SRL of Bucharest, in which one of the shareholders was Maria Pârcălăbescu, former secretary of state in the Ministry of the Economy.

The documentation submitted to the SEAP as part of the POSDRU Management Authority for the project of "Asesoft Internaţional" had the following parts changed:

- a condition concerning the requirement of prior expertise in the field. A requirement was introduced for the bidders to have completed at least one project of technical assistance for a Management Authority which manages activities pertaining to the programs with European Community financing worth at least eight million lei.

The condition in question (which the specialists of the Management Authority for the POSDRU program deemed as being favorable to "Asesoft Internaţional") was included in the tender book at the express request of Cristina Zevedei, former head of the Management Authority of the POSDRU;

- the specifications of the products which would be bought;

- the deadline for completing the contract (cut from three years to one).

According to the rumors, the amendment was made to favor "Asesoft Internaţional", which already had some of the software modules needed for the contract, which would have allowed it to meet the set deadline (considered by specialists in the area as insufficient to complete all of the activities needed for the implementation of the application).

The evaluation of the final documentation by the representatives of the ACIS (which is not mandatory) would have allowed the notification of overlaps between the objectives of the IT modules pertaining to the SIM and SMIS applications, as well as between their functions and those made through Action Web.

In reality, the modules for the "Payments authorization" and the one concerning "The data capture out of the application briefs" (stipulated in the tender book) had similar functions to those of the technical and financial monitoring which existed in Action Web.

Under these circumstances, The Management Authority of the POSDRU program was supposed to ensure only the development of the module "Technical and Financial Monitoring" of the implementation of the POSDRU program, and the allocation of funds for the development of the other two being unjustified.

The data which was going to be entered in the "Request monitoring" (which is not clearly presented in the tender book) was already available in Action Web.

Under these circumstances, had the overlap of the functions of the two modules been identified, there was a risk of the EU refusing to pay for the costs of the SIM, since this would have meant paying twice for the same objective.

After the publication on the SEAP of the announcement concerning the holding of the call for tenders, the companies interested in participating ("Intellis Management" SRL, S&T România SRL, "Tactic Consulting Unit" SRL and "It Top Solutions" - all of them from Bucharest) submitted complaints with the National Council for the Solving of Contestations concerning the requirements imposed by the POSDRU Management Authority, claiming they were too restrictive.

Between May and August 2010, "Intellis Management" and "Tactic Consulting Unit" withdrew their complaints, at the request of the director of the Management Authority of the POSDRU program.

After reviewing the contestation submitted by "IT Top Solutions" SRL, in September 2010, the National Council for the Solving of Contestations issued a ruling by which it rejected the arguments of the company, and ruled that the procedure for the awarding of the contract should continue.

Cristina Zevedei also helped "Gematex Center Prodcom Impex" SRL to sign with the Management Authority of the POSDRU the contract for the "Rental of a building needed for the operation of the General Management Department of the POSDRU", for a period of five years, at a monthly price of approximately 15 Euros/sqm, even though the Authority was paying only 13 Euros/sqm before.

The procedure for the awarding of the contract (financed through the priority Axis 7 of the POSDRU) was launched on March 2nd, 2010, and "Gemtex" was the only company to participate in the call for tenders held in May 2010, after the general manager of the Management Authority of the POSDRU asked the other participating companies to pull their tenders (including ICPECOM Bucharest, in whose building the Management Authority of the POSDRU had previously operated).

Apparently, the former manager of the Authority also interceded for the signing of an appendix to the rental contract, by which "Gematex" would provide the cleaning and maintenance services, for about 10,000 Euros per month.

Previously, in the area rented from ICPECOM, this service was being provided by two people paid out of the budget of the Ministry of Labor, at a much lower price than the one previously agreed with "Gematex".

The general objective of the POSDRU is the development of human capital and the increase in competitiveness, by correlating the teaching and learning with the requirements of the labor market.

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