Alumil Rom Industry Disburses Gross Dividend of 0.36 RON/Share

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 21 mai 2007

Shareholders in Aluminum profiles producer Alumil Rom Industry on May 16th decided to pay out dividents worth 11.25 million RON, the amount representing 82% of the company"s 2006 net profit. The gross dividend was set at 0.36 RON/share, according to a report to the Bucharest Stock Exchange, quoted by NewsIn. The dividends will be paid out in the period June 25th - July 10th.

Alumil Rom Industry ended 2006 with a net profit of 13.7 million RON, a 43.4% increase from 9.58 million RON in the past year. Turnover rose by 21,5%, totaling 96.36 million RON, compared with 79.29 million RON in 2005.

The company reported a net profit of 2.24 million RON for the first quarter of the current fiscal year, a slight decline from the same period last year. Turnover increased by 49.5% to 23.4 million RON in the first three months. For 2007, the company expects net profit to reach 14.38 million RON, up 5% from 2006, while turnover should increase by 15.2% to 111 million RON.

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