Alumil Rom Industry Drives BSE Performance Index

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 31 martie 2009

Izabela Sîrbu

Alumil Rom Industry - Bucharest, traded on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) as ALU, has generated the best 1-month return on the Romanian capital market. Thus, those who decided to sell all the ALU shares from their portfolio, on Friday, would have obtained a return of nearly 118% compared to one month ago.

Shares in the five financial investment firms (SIFs) gained 35% between 27 February - 27 March, despite a slight slowdown lately, as investors preferred to sell shares in the SIFs and collect their profit. The BET index, reflecting the performance of the ten most liquid stocks on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) gained 29.1% in the referenced period. Investors in mutual funds were also quite happy at the end of the period. For example, BT Index posted the best performance in their class, marking a 30.02% growth between 27 February and 27 March.

Savings in a 1-month deposit with a commercial bank also generated some profit, namely 0.54% in EUR for those who opted for a EUR-denominated deposit with Banca Transilvania, Banca Romaneasca or Romanian International Bank. RON-denominated deposits were not such a good idea, as the return was notably smaller. Those who opted for this kind of investment and opened a deposit with the Romanian International Bank - the best offer on this segment - gained 2.26% of their initial amount.

The old mattress was also a fairly good idea, as the appreciation of the RON against the EUR generated a 1% gain.
