Alumil Rom Industry Profit Up 43,3% From 2005

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 16 aprilie 2007

Alumil Rom Industry posted 13.740.081 in net profit for 2006, up 43,34% year-on-year, according to preliminary results. Turnover gained 21,52% compared to 2005, reaching 96.360.489 RON. Operating revenues amounted to 96.504.619 RON, increasing by 23,41% year-on-year, whereas expenses reached 83.008.996 RON, gaining 23,49% compared to the previous year. In 2007, the company plans to increase its tornover by 15-20%.

As of today, investors can trade ALU shares on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Aluminium producer Alumil Rom Industry is part of Alumil industrial group, which operates in over 20 European countries.
