ADINA ARDELEANU (translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 19 octombrie 2015

The liquidation of the BSE

The idea of the liquidation of the BSE, an opinion which was last month attributed by a financial publication to Oana Petrescu, coordinating partner of the management consulting division of Deloitte România, was presented on Friday, in a show on RFI, sponsored by OMV Petrom, even though on Thursday, the statement had been retracted by the author.

Journalist Constantin Rudniţchi, who hosts an economic show on RFI, did not quote the newspaper, but said simply: "Mrs. Oana Petrescu and Mr. George Mucibabici, two former bankers and current representatives of a major international consulting firm, have made a shocking proposal: the liquidation of the Bucharest Stock Exchange. The idea brings up a series of arguments: it is stated that the stock market has not attracted state-owned companies since 2008. There have been companies in which the state holds controlling interests, of which small blocks of shares have been listed on the BSE instead. Further more, the costs of listings and transparency are high, meaning that Romanian entrepreneurs are not attracted to the idea of taking their companies public. The two consultants say that the public is not informed and that it does not invest in companies listed on the stock exchange.

In conclusion, the proposal of Mrs. Oana Petrescu is for Romanian companies to get listed in London because it is more efficient".

The shareholders of OMV Petrom, the company which sponsors the RFI show, have recently approved the listing on the London Stock Exchange, at the proposal of the Proprietatea Fund. Moreover, Deloitte Audit SRL, which has questioned the functionality of the BSE, has been the independent auditor of Petrom between 2004 and 2010, and was subsequently replaced by Ernst&Young, which became EY.

Deloitte Audit SRL is also the auditor of the Proprietatea Fund, and it also provides for it the services concerning the secondary listing in London.

By the time the newspaper had gone to print, the representatives of OMV Petrom did not respond to our enquiry on whether they officially support the idea of the liquidation of the BSE presented in the RFI show.

It is the first time in the last 20 years when in Romania, the idea of the uselessness of the BSE and therefore of its liquidation gets spelled out.

The "Deloitte" representative seems to have blurted it out, and she subsequently nuanced her position in an attempt to make up for the blunder.

On Wednesday, Oana Petrescu was quoted with the following statement: "We need a discussion on whether, at the capitalization that Romania's economy can currently generate, the existence of the stock exchange is still opportune".

The development of the local stock exchange to a level where it starts being taken seriously as a possible financing source would require significant investments, and the effort may be greater than the possible benefit, she added, in the same article on Wednesday, wondering whether "it wouldn't be more effective to teach our companies to get listed in London?"

On Thursday, however, Oana Petrescu appeared with a retraction in the online edition of the same publication, without any explicit announcement that the article represents a right of reply. Her opinion also appeared in the print issue of the same newspaper, on Friday.

"I've never thought of questioning the existence of any institution, much less of one that works and is making progress. I accept my conformism, but, given my education in finance and my almost ten years of teaching capital markets at the Romanian Academy of Economic Studies, I have to say that I can not even imagine a market economy without a stock market", Oana Petrescu writes in her opinion piece, as she claims that the previous article did not reflect accurately enough reflect her statements made during a discussion with journalists.

How little could the journalist in question have understood, considering that the position of Oana Petrescu did a u-turn in 24 hours?

He further says: "The usefulness of an institution like the Bucharest Stock Exchange can not be disputed by anybody. As I've mentioned during the discussion, in the last few years we have made substantial progress in the functioning of the BSE.

The question that can be asked - and needs to be asked - is whether all of this progress of the Stock Exchange, otherwise remarkable, is enough to miraculously resolve all of Romania's financing problems, as it follows sometimes from the current public discussion".

In this apparent blunder, construed in the context of the behavior of Ludwik Sobolewski, the CEO of the Bucharest Stock Exchange, people without preconceived notions or blinded by the Pole's verbiage could even see the existence of an anti-BSE plan, which would end with its liquidation.

At the very least, the market should ask itself questions, at least on the ambivalent statement of the CEO of the BSE on the listing of the BSE in London, if not related to the defamatory statements made by Sobolewski concerning the BSE, which he reiterated in front of foreign investors.

On one hand, Sobolewski has said, in August, that a listing of OMV Petrom (SNP) in London, using the Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) would be clear proof of the underdevelopment of the domestic stock market, and the ASF, the government, the BSE and all of the institutions of the market should make greater efforts to help the stock market develop, according to Mediafax.

In the same statement for the press agency, the head of the BSE said: "If this intention (ed. note: the listing of Petrom in London) materializes, it will be a beneficial thing for the Bucharest Stock Exchange and for the Romanian capital market".

Sobolewski has already racked up a portfolio of statements about the underdevelopment of our stock exchange, which he often forgets that he leads himself.


Noticing the frequent criticisms addressed to the management of the BSE, published by BURSA over the last year, a number of readers, (some of whom I am convinced are acting in good faiths, instead of being shills) have raised the suspicion that I am waging "an anti-BSE campaign".

I found it hard to answer them in a civilized manner.

The criticisms publicized by BURSA were based on facts and motivated every time.

They concerned the lack of results in the development of the BSE, the disappointment of CEO Ludwik Sobolewski (who had been presented as the "holy grail", but after two years of failures, to hide his ineffectiveness, blames them on the Romanian government and asks for its help, comparing us to Nigeria, in public speeches abroad); I also discussed in BURSA, the amorphous and unrepresentative character of the president of the BSE Lucian Anghel, who has become even duller than he is on his own, next to Sobolewski's arrogance; we have criticized in BURSA the lack of reaction of the Board of the BSE, who has accepted an unjustifiably expensive management contract (that was clear from the beginning, but the facts that now make any argument about it pointless), and has even acquiesced to the "law of silence" imposed by Sobolewski - the only one entitled to speak about the BSE (of course, Lucian Anghel is allowed to speak as well, but ... what has he got to say?!)

In our opinion, the criticisms are justified.

And their frequency matches that of the incidents that are worthy of criticism.

But regardless of how disgusted we were by the pettiness of the BSE market (in terms of size and performance, as well as from a moral point of view), the thought of bringing up the "opportunity of the existence of the BSE" never crossed our mind!

The speaker to whom the idea of the liquidation of the BSE is being attributed - Oana Petrescu - travels the same circles as Ludwik Sobolewski.

I had no idea that the idea of the liquidation of the BSE is making the rounds in those circles, and so far I have never suspected Sobolewski of evil intentions.

Up until now, I only thought that he has character and morality issues, that he is lacking in knowledge and ability.

The slogan of the BURSA newspaper, since its creation in 1990 and up until 1995, when the BSE has been inaugurated, was "The goal of the BURSA newspaper is to support the creation of the stock exchanges in Romania".

The slogan later changed: "The goal of the BURSA newspaper is to support the functioning of the stock exchanges in Romania".

That is why I do not want to bring any argument in favor of why I reject the idea attributed to Oana Petrescu.

I'd rather we have something to criticize.

