ANAF Revenues Below Target

Tradus de Andrei Năstase
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 13 aprilie 2009


The budget revenues collected by the National Fiscal Administration Agency (ANAF) in the first quarter of the year amounted to 34.7 billion RON, down by 7.06% from the 35.1 billion RON collected in Q1, 2008 and by 5.54% less than the target communicated by the Finance Ministry, ANAF announced.

The revenue actually transferred to the consolidated general budget (actual revenues) amounted to 32.6 billion RON, the difference being formed of VAT and excise returns (1.7 million RON) and the contributions to the privately managed pension funds transferred by the National Pensions and Social Security Company (CNPAS).

The State Budget collected 32.6 billion RON in the first quarter of the year, equal to 94.46% of the target. ANAF generated revenues of 9.3 billion RON within the State Social Security Budget, by 0.05% above target, and of 363.08 million RON within the State Unemployment Budget, by 18.06% above target. Actual collection also exceeded the target set for the National Health Insurance Fund, as 3.9 billion RON was collected, which is by 11.49% more than estimated.
