ANL Builds New Apartments For Young Tenants

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 2 august 2007

The National Housing Agency (ANL) continues to build apartments for young tenants and has announced several new projects. In Balta Sarata, Caras Severin County, the Agency will build 57 new apartments on a 1.4 million EUR budget, VAT not included.

The Agency seeks to award the contract to contractors who have had an annual turnover of at least 2.06 million EUR in the last three years and have performed works worth at least 412,344 EUR in the last five years.

In Bacau, ANL will build 36 apartments on a 961,757 EUR budget, VAT not included. Prospective contractors have to have achieved an average turnover of 1.44 million EUR and similar works worth 288,527 EUR. In both cases, liquidity must be at least 100%. In Sfantu Gheorghe, Covasna County, ANL will build 72 apartments on a 2.46 million EUR budget, VAT not included.

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