ANL Builds New Homes For Young Families

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 22 februarie 2007

The National Housing Agency (ANL) is putting up for tender three new construction contracts to build more homes to lease to young families. The projects will be financed from the State budget, foreign loans and other sources. One of the projects will be implemented in Mangalia, Constanta County, and should be commissioned in 18 months.

Bids are accepted until March 14th. Prospective bidders have to submit a participation guarantee in the amount of 93,000 RON. They will also have to prove to have an average annual turnover of 7.5 million EUR in the last three years. The value of similar works done in the last five years has to be at least 755,918 RON. ANL will also initiate construction projects in Moreni, Dambovita County, and Braila.

The works will be completed in 12 respectively 24 months. Bids are accepted until March 19th respectively March 15th. Participation guarantee is 18,000 RON for the first project and 116,000 RON for the second projects. The average turnover in the last three years must be 1.4 million RON respectively 9.4 million RON. Liquidity must be at least 100%. The selection criterion is best economic bid.
