ANRE proposes a new methodology for the auction connection of electricity production sites

English Section / 5 februarie 2024

ANRE proposes a new methodology for the auction connection of electricity production sites

Versiunea în limba română

The National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) submits to public consultation new rules regarding the connection of electricity production sites to public interest networks on a tender basis, according to

Through the new system, the amounts collected through the auction for the additional electrical network development works, necessary to cover the requests of the applicants for capacity allocation, are used by the network operators for the development of the electrical networks. Applicants who are going to develop production sites with installed capacities greater than or equal to 1 MW have the possibility of securing the necessary capacities for subsequent connection to the network, the mentioned source also notes.

"For the implementation of the provisions of art. 25 para. (2^2) from the Electricity and Natural Gas Law no. 123/2012, with subsequent amendments and additions, ANRE has developed and published for public consultation, the draft order for the approval of the Methodology regarding the allocation of the electricity network capacity for the connection of electricity production sites, as well as for the amendment and completion of some orders of the president of the National Regulatory Authority in the field of Energy regarding the connection of users to the electric network of public interest", announces the Authority, quoted by

According to the news agency, the development of the methodology aims to establish the rules regarding the allocation by auction of the available capacities in order to connect production/consumption and new production sites, with installed capacities of electricity production facilities greater than or equal to 1 MW . The development and administration of the auction platform and the organization of the respective activity will be carried out by the transport and system operator.

The draft order provides for the replacement of the current concept by which the obligation of connection applicants to participate in general strengthening works in the electrical networks upstream of the connection point is established with a mechanism for allocating the electrical network capacity based on an auction. Through this mechanism, the amounts collected through the auction for the additional works to develop the electrical network, necessary to cover the requests of the applicants for capacity allocation, are used by the network operators for the development of the electrical networks, according to

"The new Methodology considers the allocation of the available capacity of the electrical network through market methods, and promotes a mechanism that ensures a competitive environment that offers better predictability to the development of energy sources in the energy system. I believe that by implementing this mechanism in the regulatory framework, applicants who are going to develop production sites with installed powers greater than or equal to 1 MW have the possibility of securing the necessary capacities for subsequent connection to the grid, this leading to an increase in the resilience of the national energy system . Being in the period of public consultation, obviously we are waiting for proposals, suggestions to improve the form published today", said George Niculescu, the president of ANRE, quoted by the news agency.

At the same time, the elaboration of the draft order takes into account the revision of the provisions of the Regulation regarding the connection of users to electric networks of public interest, approved by ANRE Order no. 59/2013, with subsequent amendments and additions and its subsequent acts, through measures that mainly refer to the establishment of financial guarantees provided for in the technical connection notices issued for production/consumption and new production sites with powers installed greater than 1 MW, the Authority also mentions, quoted by

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