Arcelor Mittal Galati Employees Go On Warning Strike

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 19 februarie 2007

Arcelor Mittal Galati union leaders have decided, following discussions with employees, to go on warning strike in order to bring the management to improve their pay offer for the current year, according to NewsIn.

Employees will gather at the gates of the iron-and-steel plant at shift change time and during work time, they will wear armlets as a protest against the management"s decision to offer no more than a 7% salary increase.

The Vicepresident of the FSS-Metarom union federation, Emil Mihăilă, said that, according to the management"s offer, the 7% increase would not apply to each employee"s salary, but to the company"s general salary fund, which amounts to 151 million USD per year. The employees demand that this increase be applied to monthly salaries.

The union"s demand for a 42% salary raise was rejected so far by the company"s management and following two months of negotiations regarding pay increase, the unions decided to go on strike. Another demand of the employees is that their collectve work contracts be negotiated annually, as opposed to to the method of four-year contracts applied by the management so far.
