Arcelor Mittal - Galati Starts Labour Conflict

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 28 februarie 2008

The trade union at Arcelor Mittal - Galati have started a labour conflict following the failure to reach an agreement with the management during 60 days of negotiations. Solidaritatea Union Leader Gheorghe Tiber said he had officially notified Arcelor Mittal - Galati that the premises for labour conflict had been created. Solidaritatea presented five essential claims, including a flat 280 RON raise for each employee. "According to the law, Arcelor Mittal - Galati has to provide an answer within 48 hours. If the answer is negative, we will lodge the labour conflict with the Galati Labour Directorate on Friday. We cannot accept their offer of 9.5% because it is insufficient compared to our work and the price hikes," Tiber said.

Reader's Opinion ( 1 )

  1. sa puna mana sa platesca oamenii sa nu is bata joc de ei... productia a crescut enorm.... la fel si preturile.... oare salariile cand mai cresc....?

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