As a consequence of finishing of a project for about Eur 7.6 mil Constanta harbour is 100 per cent in U.Es environment standards

Dan Nedelcu
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 19 iulie 2007

"The treatment of fret waters station from Constanta harbour" an investiton for about Eur 7.625mil ,was inaugurated in presence of the national company leadership"The Administration of Seaports" S.A Constanta and of local authorities agents.

This work, made by general undertaker "Siemens"-Austria, is the last piece of the environment project "The management of dump goods in Constanta harbour", from now Constanta harbour responding in proportion of 100 per cent to environment standards imposed by The European Union .The treatment of fret waters station, which has a capacity of 814.000 mc\\year regards the waters with petrol sweepings and the pluvial ones emanated from the portuar activity zone of the "Oil Terminal"company, as well as petrol dumps from ships.The environment project "The management of dump goods" was initialized with a view to alignment to demands of International Convention for preventing polution of the Sea by ships-MARPOL73\\78. The needful finance was assured in proportion of 49 per cent from a loan from European Bank of Investments, contracted in 2000 year and in proportion of 51 per cent from own sources of "The Administration of Seaports" S.A national company and a comercial loan obtained from BRD.

This project is also making part from "The strategic plan regarding the management of dump goods in Constanta harbour", elaborated in 1998-2001 period and financed by Dutch Ministry of Economical Affairs.

The ending of works of this station is initial scheduled on July 31, 2007
