Assisted employment, solution for the integration of people with disabilities on the labor market

English Section / 30 ianuarie 2024

Assisted employment, solution for the integration of people with disabilities on the labor market

Versiunea în limba română

Assisted employment represents an effective solution for the sustainable integration of people with disabilities on the labor market and in society. The Health Action Overseas Romania (HAO) Foundation organized in Constanta the closing conference of the transnational project "Labor market Employment for young Adults with a Disability - LEAD", co-financed by the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. The project addressed young people with disabilities, aged between 15 and 29, their parents and relatives, companies, specialists and providers of assisted employment services. Nicolae Dobrescu, executive director of HAO and manager of the LEAD project, said: "In the five and a half years in which we provided supported employment services based on the EUSE (European Union of Supported Employment) model - based on a partnership strategy between the employee, employer and the provider of employment services - we obtained significant results from a quantitative point of view, but above all qualitatively. These demonstrate that the mentioned model works regardless of the size and activity profile of the companies and the type of the candidate's condition. With adequate support, our young beneficiaries they managed to keep their jobs, evolve and become respected members of the community today". Our country has a chronic need for support services for people in this vulnerable category. According to official statistics, compared to 2017, the number of adults with disabilities increased by 40,000 people, to 890,000, and only 11% of them work. In this context, Nicolae Dobrescu appreciated that the introduction of assisted employment as a new service recognized by law for people with disabilities can be an effective solution for their integration on the labor market. Alina Dobrescu, the coordinator of the assisted employment program, explained: "Throughout the implementation period, we focused on the quality of the services offered to the beneficiaries, not on their number. The assisted employment process is expensive and long. People with disabilities have complex needs, not only for employment, but also emotional, learning, support. We have worked to have young people who capitalize on their potential, are well integrated, independent and to develop lasting relationships, based on mutual respect, with the employers we collaborate with."

The LEAD project was carried out, starting on July 1, 2018, by a transnational consortium led by the Health Action Overseas Romania Foundation (HAO), which also included Valakupiai Rehabilitation Center (Lithuania), Consultis - Consultoria Empresarial, Unipessoal Lda. (Portugal) and the expert partner - Status Employment (Great Britain). Thanks to the LEAD project, 640 young people with disabilities aged between 15 and 29, of which 310 from Romania, benefited from assisted employment services, participated in professional training activities, volunteer activities, as well as in meetings with potential employers . At the same time, 888 employers, of which 326 from Romania benefited from consulting in the field of assisted employment and training courses. Also within the project, parents and relatives of young people with disabilities participated in training sessions and received support in a support group. As far as the social partners are concerned, a National Network of providers of assisted employment services was established in Romania, Lithuania and Portugal, the one in our country bringing together members from eight counties. In order to support employers interested in ensuring an inclusive work environment, the project team has created and provides them with two guides, one for good practices in hiring young people with disabilities and the other for workplace mentors.

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