Astral - Uniqa Wins TAROM Tender

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 6 martie 2007

Astra - Uniqa has won the public tender organized to insure the TAROM fleet. The company will provide the casco insurance for civilian aircraft and spare parts and liability insurance towards the airline"s passengers, luggage, cargo, mail and third parties. The contract will be signed for one year effective as of May 1st, 2007.

The other contenders were Omniasig, Allianz Tiriac and BCR Asigurari. By winning this contract, Astra - Uniqa has become the leading aviation insurer in the country. Last year, the company landed aviation insurance contracts worth 6.78 million RON, up by 115.9% from 2005.

In turn, Astra - Uniqa insured the TAROM contract with Global Aerospace Underwriting Managers (GAUM), a strong underwriting pool rated at AA- by Standard & Poors, via Willis, the world"s largest aviation insurance broker. Other Astra - Uniqa customers include Blue Air, Romavia, Romaero, "Aurel Vlaicu" Airport and the Romanian Air Club.

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