Auditors Find Irregularities In Public Sanitation Contracts In Bucharest

A.T. (Tradus de Andrei Năstase)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 31 august 2009

The National Public Procurement Regulatory & Supervisory Authority (ANRMAP) early this year started auditing all the public sanitation contracts signed by the local administrations of the six districts of Bucharest. Public sanitation generally includes garbage removal, street cleaning and similar services. So far, the ANRMAP has finished the audit reports concerning the local authorities of District 1, District 2, District 3, District 4 and District 6. According to a press release to BURSA, the local authorities of District 5 refused to present ANRMAP with the requested documents.

While auditing District 1, ANRMAP found severe violations of the legal framework on public procurement. Considering the final and irrevocable ruling of the Bucharest Court of Appeal, which found that the procedure for the procurement of sanitation services by the local authorities was null and void in this case, ANRMAP will petition the Court to declare the subsequent contract null and void.

After auditing the public procurement procedures performed by the local authorities of Districts 2, 3, 4 and 6, ANRMAP recommended the reorganization of sanitation services. The ANRMAP forwarded all the audit reports to the Competition Council, the Court of Audit and the National Regulatory Authority for Public Utilities.
