AUR wants a new referendum on the constitutional definition of the family

English Section / 12 octombrie 2023

Photo source: facebook / George Simion

Photo source: facebook / George Simion

Versiunea în limba română

The President of AUR, George Simion, announced, yesterday, that the members of the political formation he leads will in the next period initiate steps to promote two referendums: one for the constitutional definition of the family as the union between a man and a woman and the second for the introduction in the Constitution of cash payments.

George Simion specified: "According to the law, a collection of signatures will be organized for cash payments, for the introduction of cash payments into the Constitution. We have seen this happen in other countries, in Austria, in Switzerland. Of course, there is no conspiracy theory there."

The AUR leader indicated that both referendums can be held on the same day.

We show that, at the end of May, AUR representatives asked the Government to challenge the decision that the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) made regarding marriages between people of the same sex and requested the Executive to express its position very clearly with regarding this subject. They also said that, if within three months, the Government refuses to contest the ECHR's decision, then the AUR will start the procedures for organizing a new referendum to redefine the family in the Constitution.

We mention that on September 26, 2023, the ECtHR rejected the Government's appeal in the case of Buhuceanu and others vs. Romania regarding the protection of same-sex families. Thus, the decision of the ECtHR handed down in May of this year remains final, as does the positive obligation of the Romanian Government and Parliament to adopt urgent measures to ensure the protection and legal recognition of all families.

Regarding this topic, the Romanian Patriarchate sent, after the decision of the ECHR of May 22, a reaction regarding the civil partnership. According to the Romanian Orthodox Church, civil partnership is "a real undermining of the full responsibility of the two spouses" and legalizes cohabitation.

We remind you that on October 6 and 7, 2018, a referendum was held to amend the Romanian Constitution, based on a citizens' initiative launched by the Coalition for the Family, at the end of 2015. The referendum, also supported by the BOR, did not reach the required threshold, however. validation.

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