Automatica Bucharest Reports Net Profit of 152.260 RON in Q1

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 21 mai 2007

Automatica Bucharest reported a net profit of 152.260 RON for the first three months of the current fiscal year. In 2006, the company recorded a net profit of 56.709.640 RON, up 53.46 times from the past year. First quarter revenue totaled 5.889.317 RON, while expenses amounted to 5.737.057 RON. Turnover totaled 5.222.274 RON in the first three months and sales amounted to 5.195.643 RON.

Producătorul de echipamente de măsură, a afişat la sfârşitul anului trecut venituri totale în valoare de 106.119.582 lei şi cheltuieli totale în sumă de 37.349.296 lei.

Automatica Bucharest is listed on tier 2 of Rasdaq as AUTT and has a share capital of 3.981.870,6 RON, divided into shares with a face value of 0.1 RON. The majority shareholder is Eurofarm Milenium SRL with 82,33% in the company.

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