Banks expect lending to tighten in the fourth quarter

ALEXANDRU SÂRBU (Translated by Cosmin Ghidoveanu)
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 decembrie 2012

Banks expect a moderate tightening of corporate lending in Q4, especially in the case of long-term loans, compared to the third quarter, a report of the National Bank of Romania states.

Demand for loans has increased moderately in Q3 compared to Q2, and demand from the population has decreased in the case of real estate loans, and has stabilized in the case of consumer loans. According to the report, lending standards, have remained unchanged for corporate loans and individual consumer loans, but they have tightened for real estate loans.

Lending standards for companies have remained unchanged in the third quarter, compared to the second quarter, the NBR report says. Lending conditions have become stricter, with banks acting mostly by introducing contractual clauses when granting loans and requesting additional loan premiums.

Lenders viewed corporate lending risk as having increased at the level of economy, in Q3, compared to Q2, while their perception on non-financial companies, depending on their size, has remained relatively unchanged, compared to the previous quarter.

On the population segment, lending standards have continued tightening in the third quarter, over the previous quarter, when it comes to loans intended for the acquisition of land and homes, and have remained relatively unchanged for consumer loans. The terms for real estate loans have remained unchanged in Q3, whereas for consumer loans, they have seen a slight easing, by reducing the costs of lending, others than the interest.
