BCR Introduces New Lending Norms

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 14 iunie 2007

The Romanian Commercial Bank (BCR) will apply new lending norms for individuals by the end of June following the authorization of the National Bank of Romania. Credit applicants will be able to borrow up to a point where the monthly installment is 65% of the eligible net income per family, depending on their risk profile and payment history.

The eligible net income is obtained by subtracting the monthly basket and other monthly payments (rent, insurance etc). The monthly basket will be differentiated geographically. The downpayment will range between zero and 25% of the loan, depending on the type of loan.

The property collateral limit has been decreased from 133% to 0-100% for consumer loans and to 80% for mortgage loans. For collateralized loans, the bank accepts up to four additional co-borrowers, who do not have to have the same address as the main borrower.

