BCR to support the development of small and medium enterprises

Tradus de Cosmin Ghidoveanu
Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 10 aprilie 2009

Ana Săbiescu

The Romanian Commercial Bank yesterday signed a collaboration protocol with the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises intended to support the development of the Romanian SME sector.

Dominic Bruynseels, executive chairman of BCR, stated: "The collaboration protocol concluded with the Ministry creates new opportunities for the consolidation of the business environment, which will help companies that need money get faster access to funding sources, including European funds. BCR is an important partner of Romania"s companies and economy for the long run".

Minister Constantin Niţă said that he is happy that "BCR was one of the first banks on the market that came up with a solution to ease lending terms for small and medium businesses, amid the international crisis".

Mr. Ni ă said: "Considering that the main problem that Romanian entrepreneurs are facing right now is the lack of liquidity in the economy, the Ministry I am helming asked all the Romanian banks to join the efforts of our government to support the development of the SMEs, and implicitly to help preserve existing jobs and create new ones".

The cooperation between the two institutions will be focused on supporting companies which are having trouble paying back their loans. Moreover, small businesses will receive information about accessing funding as well as free non-financial consulting.

The protocol is valid for a period of one year, with a renewal option.

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