Bird Flu Migrates to Swine

English Section / 1 noiembrie

Bird Flu Migrates to Swine

Versiunea în limba română

A recent case of bird flu in a pig in Oregon is the first detection of the H5N1 virus in this species in the United States, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced. The virus was discovered on a small farm that did not sell the meat of these animals, thus ensuring the safety of the country's pork supply chain. The infected pig did not show symptoms of the disease, but was tested as a precaution, along with four other pigs, in the context of a quarantined farm that also housed poultry and cattle. Of the five animals tested, three results are now available: one positive and two negative, while results for the other two pigs are pending. All of the animals, however, were euthanized as a precautionary measure. The detection raises concerns as bird flu continues to spread in the United States, affecting other mammals. The increasing number of infections in mammals has experts warning of the risk of a mutation that could allow the virus to spread more easily between humans. However, the USDA said that genomic analysis of the H5N1 virus has so far shown no changes that suggest increased transmissibility to humans, a key aspect in preventing possible new pandemic risks.

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