Boc Discusses Gas Crisis With Czech Ambassador

Ziarul BURSA #English Section / 9 ianuarie 2009

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc yesterday received Petr Dokladal, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic, which took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union on 1 January 2009. The Czech ambassador presented the priorities of the Czech Presidency, with an emphasis on the Treaty of Lisbon, energy security, economic and financial crisis management, removal of internal market barriers, the West Balkans, transatlantic relations and the Eastern Partnership.

Discussions also touched the measures envisioned by the Czech Presidency in order to manage the ongoing gas supply crisis. Premier Boc briefed Ambassador Dokladal of the status in Romania and the measures taken by the Government to contain the effects of the gas crisis on individual consumers. Premier Boc stressed that the Romanian Government was permanently communicating on this subject with EU Commissioned for Energy Andris Piebalgs. According to a press release, Premier Boc saluted the priorities of the Czech Presidency and the "3E" structure of the Czech agenda: economy, energy, Europe in the world.
