Bogdan Ciuca, PC: "Our Government Is Unprepared For The Economic Crisis"

English Section / 21 noiembrie 2008

Bogdan Ciuca, PC: "Our Government Is Unprepared For The Economic Crisis"

The PSD+PC Alliance has only one prime minister: Mircea Geoana, according to Conservative Party (PC) spokesman Bogdan Ciuca. He stressed he wanted to deny any speculation that the PSD+PC Alliance had another candidate for prime minister, in case they won the parliamentary election scheduled for 30 November.

"To avoid any doubt, let me tell you that the PSD+PC Alliance believes that a government is built and created by our alliance under only one prime minister: Mircea Geoana," said Ciuca, quoted by Agerpres. "We are not interested in backups and we are not interested in deceiving the people with all sort of nominations that can only create a curtain of fog," he added.

According to Ciuca, the 85% of the Romanians confronting various social problems and especially economic problems triggered by the ongoing international crisis need a stable government. In his opinion, Romanians are fed up after four years of political scandals and instability and also of watching PD, PNL, the prime minister and the president do nothing but step on each other"s foot and forget about the people"s problems, Ciuca further added.

"What do we want? A right-wing government tailored to fit the interests of the rich, or a government for the 85% of the people of Romania, who are afraid of the next utility bill? The government we have now is unprepared for the economic crisis," Ciuca said.

He added that the current Government had recently recognized the benefits of some social projects they had rejected about a year and a half before. The initiative to waive taxation for reinvested profit "is something that the current Government describes as the solution to pass the crisis," after having rejected it before.

Ciuca also reminded of the PSD and PC proposals to cancel penalties for overdue utility bills, to cancel the car registration tax and refund the tax payers, which the current Government is now describing as "solutions." "We have always lacked a government with vision and now we need a government able to prevent problems, a stable government," Ciuca concluded.

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