Bookfest: 200 exhibitors, 150 publishers, 400 events

English Section / 29 mai 2024

Bookfest: 200 exhibitors, 150 publishers, 400 events

Versiunea în limba română

Book lovers have a happy weekend. The 17th edition of the Bookfest 2024 International Book Fair, which will take place between May 29 and June 2, in Pavilion B2 at Romexpo, brings together 200 exhibitors, 150 publishing houses from all over Romania, and publishing houses from the Republic of Moldova, which will organize over 400 events.

The general director of Humanitas Publishing House, Lidia Bodea, representative of the Romanian Publishers Association (AER), spoke about the event: "We continue a tradition that we started a few years ago, the tradition of debates, discussions, events that go beyond the usual type of events - book launch and autographs. We have a debate about the importance of voting, because we are in a very electoral year and we are a week before the mayoral elections, also a very important stake". Bodea also mentioned the "recovery" in the Bookfest program of some of the great events in the universal cultural calendar: "400 years of Kant, 100 years of Kafka and we will try in the next edition to be even more connected to such anniversaries. There's another anniversary, which I care a lot about, it's a soul anniversary in a way, 20 years since "Vote for young literature!" (2004). The Ego Prose collection from Polirom turns 20 years old. It is a success not only of the Polirom Publishing House, it is a success of Romanian literature, it is the longest-lasting and most dynamic collection of contemporary Romanian literature. In a very short word, we guarantee that you will not be bored from Wednesday to Sunday evening. You can move, if you want, to the Romexpo pavilion. We have something to fill your time with." The Minister of Culture from the Republic of Moldova, Sergiu Prodan, who mentioned that, like the authors from across the Prut who will be present at the Bookfest, he is part of the generation that started by carrying, "literally" , "almost illegal", books in Romanian from Moscow to Chisinau, emphasized that it is the first time that the Republic of Moldova participates in an international book fair as a country of honor.

The National Museum of Romanian Literature participates again this year with its own stand (C02) and with an extensive program of releases, debates and events dedicated to children at the 17th edition of the Bookfest International Book Fair. The Romanian Literature Museum publishing house presents, for the first time, a series of volumes dedicated to both philologists, the general public and even children.

Thus, the research work of the museum's specialists takes shape in three event-volumes. "Poetry Aesthetics Course" by Vladimir Streinu, edition, introductory study and notes by Luana Stroe, restores for the first time the course held as a guest professor at the University of Bucharest between 1969 and 1970 by the great critic and aesthetician, based on the manuscripts in the MNLR archive and the recordings of some of the lectures held in the Odobescu Amphitheater, confronted with articles from periodicals and interviews from the press of the time. With the edition from "Catastih amorului. At the mouth of the stove" by Pierre Veron; Paulin Niboyet, Andreea Teliban put an end to an old controversy of more than half a century in Romanian literature. "Catastihul" is not a novel written by Radu Ionescu, nor by Pantazi Ghica, it does not even belong to Romanian literature, but it is about two translations from French novels that were fashionable at the time! An extensive introductory study and a set of notes and comments accompany the text, restored after the first Romanian edition, from 1865. An album, a mourning book and a volume of correspondence, edited in special graphic conditions, in full color, outline the personalities of the plastic artist Mircia Dumitrescu, of the theater critic George Banu and the eminent jurist Andrei Rădulescu, former president of the Romanian Academy: "Sculpture, engraving, drawing, painting, tapestry" by Mircia Dumitrescu, "George Banu... leaving".

Mourning book made by Matei Vişniec and Ioan Cristescu and "Correspondence" by Andrei Rădulescu, edited by av. Dr. Dana Gruia Dufaut, scientific editor: Dr. Filica Drăghici. In collaboration with the National Theater in Bucharest, the Publishing House of the Museum of Romanian Literature is launching at Bookfest an anthology that brings together the texts of nine debut authors: "First Draft", an anthology of dramaturgy signed by Adriana Bordeanu, Ana Creţu, Tomi Cristin, Ştefan Iancu, Oana Jindiceanu, Vlad Moszojanu, Cosmin Teodor Pană, Carla-Maria Teaha, Adelina Toma.

Ioan Cristescu, the manager of the National Museum of Romanian Literature stated: "In general, books of criticism and literary theory find their place less often, perhaps, on the first shelves of local bookstores, because there is a sales pressure that, often, receives So we are happy to be present again this year at Bookfest, this great celebration of books, to leisurely talk about the latest editorials of the Publishing House of the National Museum of Romanian Literature. We are happy to be able to celebrate, once again, the newest books published by us, together with their authors and with the readers who follow us with interest. One of the surprises prepared for this edition of Bookfest is the fact that we also address the youngest readers".

The Romanian Cultural Institute, through the National Book Center, announces editorial news, book releases focusing on the latest volumes published by the ICR Publishing House, debates between cultured people and creators from multiple fields for all Bookfest visitors. The events organized for the 2024 edition of this great publishing event are under the sign of the dialogue between writers and professionals in the publishing field. They aim to capitalize on the directions developed by the National Book Center, including the programs of the Romanian Cultural Institute to support translations from the Romanian language, and to put in the foreground various means of promoting Romanian books and authors. The program includes events dealing with a wide range of books, from volumes of poetry, prose and children's literature to works on history and art history. ICR President Liviu Jicman declared: "Bookfest has become, with the passing of the years, a landmark in the cultural life of the Capital. The public is returning to Romanian literature, publishing houses dedicated to local creation are multiplying and competing in bringing out original titles, the number of publications is increasing, the newly published collections and volumes confirm the effervescence of current Romanian literature. The growth is organic, but at the same time exciting. It precedes a probable expansion of Romanian literature in the world. In this context, the increasingly extensive promotion and representation efforts of the ICR show that the position adopted by the institution is a correct and beneficial one. A peremptory proof is the recent awarding of two very important prizes to Romanian authors, whose translations were supported by the Romanian Cultural Institute". Among the protagonists at the events proposed by the National Book Center are people of culture from Romania and the Republic of Moldova. At the ICR stand, visitors have the opportunity to meet and engage in dialogue with well-known writers, including Gabriela Adameşteanu, Emilian Galaicu-Păun, Lavinia Branişte, Luminiţa Corneanu, Cosmin Perţa, Liliana Corobca, Elena Vlădăreanu or Iulian Ciocan. Also, personalities of literary criticism such as Ion Bogdan Lefter or leading figures of the theatrical world, including Emil Boroghină and prof. univ. dr. Ludmila Patlanjoglu.

Necessary clarification: public access is free.

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