Brasov Aldermen Test WBG Results In Austria

English Section / 29 august 2008

A delegation of five members of the Brasov City Council and Mayor George Scripcaru is visiting Klagenfurt, Austria, to meet with representatives of Warmebetriebe and inspect a power plant similar to the one that the company is going to build in Brasov. "We will also meet a mayor of a town where such system has been implemented because we are very interested in the population"s reaction," said Mayor Scripcaru. As for the technical project, the Austrians are working on the last details, especially on the electric section. "In the meantime, we are working to obtain the necessary permits and authorizations from the Ministry of Environment and the energy regulatory authority. We are also conducting the procurement of technical equipment, such as the turbines, because most of them have a significant lead time," Scripcaru added.

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